Yet there is no place to enable the registration link.
How do I solve this challenge.
]]>*In older version, the fields settings detail used to expand below field name, while now expand in left coloumn
Does it happen only to me or I missed some new features?
]]>I am thinking the “Order” field under edit attributes allows this but it seems it would be too cumbersome to edit the sequence once I have set them in order by this method.
]]>1. There is no acknowledgement message that tells the user that the listing was successfully posted (this should be displayed when the user hits submit at the “Add Details” page). How do I add the acknowledgement message?
2. The listing takes too long to become live on the website. I tried making 3 demo listings and all of them took more than 4 hrs to go live on the website. Any way to make this faster?
3. If the user stays logged in to the session on the website after posting the ad, when the ad actually goes live, if the user wants to make another listing by clicking the add listings tab, the user sees only the previous listing he posted. If the user logs out and logs in, the Add Listings tab works like normal. How can I fix this?
I want to customise this form beyond what merely adding new attributes allows. I want to make a listing website for cars and wanted to make certain fields mandatory and wanted to format certain other fields like user input Year in the YYYY format only preferably using a “scroll and select” option. Can’t find a way to do that yet. Any help is appreciated.
Forgive my lack of experience. This is my first website and am still trying to understand how things work here.
]]>I installed this plugin and when I go to add a listing, it seems to try and redirect to a page that isn’t found. Is there meant to be a ‘success’ page when a listing is complete?
Permalinks are updated to be “Day and Time”.
I have tried to reinstall the plug in but did not help.
Below is an excerpt of the Console that gets created.
It then routes to “”
HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
global-add-listing.js?ver=cc298ece4979ed6ea14d7ca1cf7e9c11:725 <br />
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: listing_type in <b>/home3/shopwiy8/public_html/wp-content/plugins/directorist/includes/classes/class-add-listing.php</b> on line <b>626</b><br />
{"pending":true,"id":304,"redirect_url":"https:\/\/\/?post_type=at_biz_dir&p=304¬ice=1","success":true,"success_msg":"Your Submission is Completed! redirecting..","preview_url":"https:\/\/\/?post_type=at_biz_dir&p=304"}
]]>Add listing is not working. when I submit it loads the same page with blank form.
I have checked the console it displays the following js error.
add-listing.js?ver=6.5.1:20 Uncaught TypeError: $s_wrap.sortable is not a function
can someone help me?
But when I login with the same password, I cannot, even acount administrator can’t login.
The error is: Sorry! Login failed.
What is happening?
please help me.
We what a User that can login and add listings.
]]>I want users to add listing without logging in.
directorist plugin.