First, thanks for the support
My proble is that i create a simple new event and it does not appear in the caldendar of the link i joined to you.
I see that is an old event that appear.
Can you help me understand why ? What can i do to resolve this ?
]]>How do users inside given roles, add events? I get that the front end thing comes only with the paid version, so I anticipated the user being allowed into the My Calendar back-end to create the event.
]]>Also, I am trying to add a new event and when I click on Add New – all I see is the heading Add New Event and the Save button. Nothing else on the page is loading.
Can I revert back to the previous version of the plugin so that it will work?
Please help.
On iMac, OS 10.12.5, using Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115
In Buddypress profile menu > Events > My Profile > My Events :
A link should be displayed : ‘Add new event’.
Instead of that, nothing, only the 2 zones ‘My events’ and ‘My bookings’, but without the ‘Add new event’ button.
Exception : This button is only displayed for the Admin role. In the backend, I’ve checked EVERY checkboxes in possible actions per role (Admin, Participants, Subscribers…).
I really do not understand why I do not see this link for my subscribers.
Thanks a lot for your help/advices.
]]>Apologies if the answer is obvious – I couldn’t find a solution online.
I know your plugin takes date format from WP Date (which I have set to UK format – dd/mm/yyyy).
But specifically in Admin Dashboard -> Add New Event, the date picker seems to ignore WP Date and still shows the US format date (yyyy/mm/dd).
I’ve tried setting site language English (UK) just in case but still no luck.
So visitors to the sites see the correct format whereas my UK-based Site Admins still have to work with a datepicker in US format when they create/edit events via the Admin Dashboard.
This causes particular confusion when the event takes place in the first 12 days of the month. It has at times resulted in Site Admins creating events on the wrong date! (eg. they selected 2015-05-08 in the datepicker mistakenly thinking that this is would create the event on 5th Aug 2015 but of course the event appears in the calendar on 8th May).
Rune Jensen commented on what I think is the same issue on January 22, 2014 11:40 PM in the link below:
Have I missed a setting and, if not, are there any plans to fix the admin datepicker format to match WP Date in future releases?
Keep up the great work!
]]>I’m struggle with it for quite some time now.
I want to achieve the following: user need to be able search existing location (in add new event page, egz: [event_form] or url …/mt-events/?action=edit) not only by location_name
but also by location_town
or location_town` or …?)
Before last update i was able change query in plugins/events-manager/em-actions.php
from (~line 215):
WHERE ('location_name' LIKE %s) AND ....
WHERE ('location_name' OR 'location town' LIKE '%s') AND ...
But now this trick dose not working any more ;(
And I cant figure it why. If some one help me with this, give a clue, w/e …
Thank You
hmm backticks
isnt working?
]]>What is not working?
– All-in-One Event Calendar: Settings. The tabs in General Settings do not work. Clicking on “If the form below is not working please follow this link.” doesn’t change anything.
– Add New Event. The structure of the page is also different from all the sites that I’m using this plugin. Under ‘Title’ is the standard WP content area. The ‘Event details’ of this plugin (which should be there) is below the WP content area.
– Add New Event. It’s not possible to change from ‘EVENT DATE AND TIME’ to ‘EVENT LOCATION DETAILS’ inside ‘Event details’. When I click nothing happens. Also ‘Start date / time:’ does not work like how it should: the date selector does not show up.
On my other sites I’m still running 2.0.7. I’m not planning to update them. Is there a way I can download 2.0.7 somewhere?
]]>I use the free version of Events Calendar, and I also use the “Duplicate Post” plug-in on my site. There’s a bug between these 2 plug-ins.
I created one event as a template & fixed it to look the way I desired. Then, using the “duplicate post” plug-in, I “cloned” several more of this template & saved them as drafts until today. Today, when I began modifying the other drafts to publish them, I learned that changing the venue on ANY of the events changed the venues on EVERY event I had in the collection I had “cloned”.
I ended up deleting all of the cloned drafts, I quit using “clone” option that Duplicate Post offers, and only created events via adding new events. This seemed to remedy the problem – it now shows the different venues accurately.
Just sending as an FYI.
]]>Thanks for any catchwords.