since a few days i have the problem that i can’t add images to galleries.
I am always the same:
I create the pictures with Lightroom.
The Name is something like “DSC03607_bearbeitet, mit (c).jpg”
The Size is around 560kb
The dimensions correspond to 3629 x 2419 pixels.
I go to WordPress -> Photo Gallery -> my existing gallery -> Add Image -> adding the image in an subfolder.
The filename is now “DSC03607_bearbeitet,_mit_(c).jpg”
Everything as always
I select the Image and press “Add selected image to gallery”
The I see these rotating balls, and nothing happens any more. Even after a long time like one hour.
!! If I do it with an existing picture it works!
When i change the name to something like “DSC03607.jpg”, it doesn’t help.
If have now two pictures who I cant insert. I have the feeling that I can’t add any more pictures.
I am using Photo Gallery since a long time, have 74 Galleries and several hundred pictures.
It is possible that there was a problem when i add the first of these pictures. Then I break-up/reload the page. But I am not sure about this.
I am using WordPress 4.9.8–de_DE and Version 1.5.5 of Photo Gallery.
I am using no Photo Gallery AddOns.
But a lot (all together 33) Plugins.
I didn’t add any Plugin recently, but there are always updates to the plugins.
Any help? And tips?
Anything I can do?
I’ve enabled the geek mode and here is the message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_iframe() in /home/clients/6a241c41b68c6ccdc6d35c867adb06ec/web/chapwp/wp-content/plugins/wysija-newsletters/controllers/back.php on line 530
It’s difficult to see where is the problem… could you help me ?
Thank’s and regards
]]>When I want to add a picture to a page or a post, I only see a white pop-up screen. However, the popup screen does not show any thing, so I am not able to add pictures.
Any one has some advice on this? Thanks in advance!
]]>On the Edit Comment form I have as an Admin, I don’t see any way to add a picture for the commenter.