]]>The criteria to reproduce this behavior is fairly specific:
" "
in it’s name. e.g. “Not deselecting”Works
Doesn't work
Not successful
Trying to deselect a selected filter that matches the criteria above fails and remains active (field remains checked after ajax success, filter still set in URL params). Can only clear the set filter by resetting all filters.
Expected result:
Filter deselects and URL param is removed to match behavior of other filter types or filter items that don’t contain a space in it’s value.
It looks like the issue might be related to the regex/logic or URL encoding in js function obj.removeKeyValueFromQuery()
In the meantime, I came up with a solution going a different route and leveraging template overrides to avoid the need to modify any js.
Basically, just needed a string replace for the input value (" "
w/ "+"
Probably not the best solution, but wanted to share this issue on the public forums in case this helps anyone else experiencing this.
Potential solution: In my case, I was able to resolve by overriding view: ~/the-events-calendar-filterbar/src/views/v2_1/components/checkbox.php
on line 31
change: value="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>"
to: value="<?php echo esc_attr( str_replace( ' ', '+', $value )
); ?>"
…and now the filter item clears as expected. Not sure if string replacing spaces for the input values comes with any side effects, but so far so good on my end.?
Hope to see a release containing a more solid solution addressing this bug in the near future by TEC devs.</img>
which invoice plugin can help ?
best regards
For ? se tilleggsfeltene det dreier seg om kan du legge til et produkt i handlekurven, og g? til kassen. Feltene ligger da til h?yre.
Per n? legges disse feltene til ordren ved ? bruke et par hooks:
woocommerce_after_order_notes, hvor jeg bruker woocommerce_form_field() for ? legge til og vise frem feltene. S? bruker jeg woocommerce_checkout_process for ? validere feltene og til slutt woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta for ? lagre dataene p? riktig ordre.
Vil submit-eventet i vipps checkout s?rge for at disse hookene fortsatt kj?res?
Finnes det en annen hook jeg kan bruke for ? vise tilleggsfeltene over vipps-delen p? vipps_checkout-siden?
My question is the following: On the Additional Fields tab, would it be possible to add a “Hide from frontpage”? Like, for instance, to be able to write down the owners data, a detailed report of client interactions, maybe even an excel-like 3 columns for “DATE/NAME/INFO” or something like the sort..
Thanks again! Hope to read from you!
]]>Specifically, a purchaser might want to buy several tickets to bring their family and friends to an event. I need the purchaser’s email address and physical mailing address so that we can send them registration info, but we don’t need to collect that for each attendee, just once per purchase. We have a very old attendee base who have trouble with things like email, so I don’t want to make them register for our website, so I’d like this to just be a field they fill out when checking out.
Is there a simple method to do this? I’m not familiar with altering WP templates but it seems like that may be necessary. Thank you for any help.
]]>Back with another question or problem…dont know how to define it…
So I created addtional fields which I wanto to show in Search bar…I also got them marked in ERE Options, but even if they are marked, they are not showing in the search menu on the frontend. Any help?