The import export controls no longer appear on the import/export tab under Subscribers. instead I have the “…features have been consolidated in the?free?Import…” message.
I have deleted/reinstalled/reactivated the import/export addon plugin
Site is WordPress (multisite) ver 5.4.3, plugins are latest versions.
]]>On the page (, there are product extra add-ons of plugin added to the Woocommerce product.
These Features in Turkish:
We work with a Turkish invoice integrator called “”. When a Woocommerce order is created, an automatic invoice draft goes to their system for create an invoice. However, the features I created using the plugin are not included in this draft.
“” says that either these features should be sent as “variants” or their parameters should be set to “note”.
My request from you is that we can add a field as a “NAME” or “ID” to the forms.
I actually don’t know if this will work or not. Do you have any solution suggestions for us?
Our request is to include these product add-ons in the invoice draft sent to
Turkish e-mail from
“WooCommerce panelinden gelen sipari?lerde sipari?e BizimHesap panelinde e?le?en ürün verileri yans?t?l?r. Yani BizimHesap panelindeki ürünlere de WooCommerce taraf?ndaki ?zellik/varyantlar?n girilmi? olmas? gereklidir.
?rnek olarak iletilen 10231 sipari? numaral? sipari? üzerinde yapt???m?z kontrollerde MENLX-3001-UST stok kodlu 3001 Likral? Polo Yaka üniforma üst isimli ürüne BizimHesap panelinde sadece BEDEN ve RENK varyant ?zellikleri girilerek kay?t edilmi? ve ürün e?le?mesi sa?lanm??. Bu sebep ile ilgili ürün kart?nda sadece beden ve renk varyant? oldu?undan sipari?te de sadece beden ve renk varyant? g?rüntülenmektedir.
?letmi? oldu?unuz g?rseldeki Metin Nak?? Ekle ve Sat?r birimleri herhangi bir ürün ?zelli?i / varyant olmamas? ve BizimHesap panelindeki e?le?en ürün kart?nda da tan?ml? olmamas? sebebi ile yans?t?lmamaktad?r. ?lgili verileri sipari?lerin A?IKLAMA “note” parametresi alt?nda iletebilirsiniz. A?a??da g?rselini iletti?imiz alanda g?rüntülenebilir.”
]]>Kriti again came through for me. Was having a problem with the portal and Kriti got it fixed in record time! GREAT JOB, @Kriti! Thank you!
]]>There is a conflict between the plugins that interferes with script execution in cart and checkout, so the Stripe plugin cannot load it’s credit card interface (e.blockUI is undefined).
We were forced to disable Stripe. Are any workarounds available?
I have also contacted the WC add-on developer Plugin Republic.
Cheers, -martin