Mark Pemburn
Web Application Administrator
Clark University
]]>I need to pass:
RedirectURL, ClientId, Scope, Resource, Authorization Endpoint, Token Endpoint, Keys endpoints and then let the openid (adfs) flow happen with redirection.
I am using wordpress:php8.0-fpm-alpine docker image (fast CGI one)
]]>Don’t need to sync databases or make any direct connection to corporate internal servers during login process, just user validation through corporate AD servers. No security risk.
Great plugin.
]]>Has anyone got any example configurations for integrating with ADFS2.0/3.0?
I’ve got it to the point where I’ve added the metadata to the ADFS server, sent through the attributes and NameID.
On the ADFS response to the server I’m getting:
The status code of the Response was not Success, was Responder
There was at least one error processing the SAML Response: invalid_response
Contact the administrator
]]>we’re trying to set user role mappings but don’t know how to do it. We have Shibboleth SP and ADFS IdP. For admins we want to have users who are members of a distribution group. We tried with isMemberOf for Header Name and various possibilities for Header Value but nothing works. How is this done? Do we have to add some attribute mapping to shibboleth xml?
If this is not possible, how can we list multiple users for admins? We tried with ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘|’ and it doesn’t work.
Thank you for help!