I’m looking for a plugin that allows this :
1) Customers can generate a purchase order, by completing an advanced form that displays prices based on the options selected.
2) The administrator receives the order form by email.
3) Later, the administrator sends an order confirmation to the customer, with a link allowing the customer to pay online for his order. The administrator must have the possibility to modify the customer’s order before sending the link.
Is there a plugin (or several) to do this ?
Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,
]]>could you please see this site’s waiver, after entering an email, it opens more steps, I would like to know is it possible to do the same things especially the last step with wpforms plugin or not?
]]>– a basic question, where can I change receiver email address? If I create a website for a client, my email is registered in administration but it’s my client who have to receive the email
– How can I translate forms editing with Advanced Form with WPML ? Do you have tutorials or something like this?
Thank you
I checked database for post meta and not find any difference also check options but no difference
]]>I’m not quite familiar with PHP and I tried to figure it out myself but no luck so far.
I need to get post titles from certain category and use it to populate drop down select field in My contact 7 form… Could you help?
]]>I need help with adjusting instructions I found here: https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Dynamically_Populating_Drop_Down_Fields
to a different form plugin – instead of Gravity Forms, to Contact Form 7.
The end result I want to get is placing all post titles from certain categories as options in drop down field created with Contact Form 7.
Can anyone help?
]]>Still confused?
It could look something like this:
Try clicking the light blue button saying “V?lg type” and choose for instance a door.
Now try clicking the other light blue button “Tilf?j” – it adds another product, where you can choose another product.
I’ve been looking at gravity forms etc. But no such functions seems to exist?
Anyone know of a plugin capable of this?
]]>I got a project coming up that might need a little advanced form. Well basically its a contact form but you need to retrieve upcoming seminars from a database. In other words I need to get information about a seminar into the contact form, probably via into a checkbox list or dropdown.
It needs to be easy for the user, so he can easily create seminars and see the people who have signed up to be at the seminar(their contact info etc). Per seminar it might be up to 50-150 people signing up. So it needs to be presented in a good way.
I am unsure if a basic contact form plugin can do this, I might need to take a plugin and edit it. But I still wanted to ask if there is any good plugin able to do this? Or do I need to code it myself? If I do, do anyone of you guys have any tips for me?
Would totally appreciate it for any tips at all!