Any suggestions?
Thanks in Advance.
Best regards, Henri
]]>I’m actually russian speaking developer and want to use AEC on my WordPress website! I’ve found i18n files in AEC folders, configure WP to my language ‘ru_RU’ in wp-config.php, but…
1. Widget show dates in english
2. Some windows elements still in english like “Loading event…”.
How to fix all of it?
Thank you!
]]>I’m looking to remove the PHP call for the month and year in the AEC Widget:
<span class="fc-header-title"> <h2> August 2013</h2></span>
I’m assuming this is the way to go since I can’t clear out the content using CSS overrides. I’ve looked in the plug-in editor but can’t find where I would remove that.
I just think it looks clunky.
]]>In the FAQ, it says:
“When you go into the Ajax Edit Comments settings page, you’ll see a section called “Styles”. From there, you’ll be able to enter a “relative” URL to a stylesheet of your choice, which will override the styles provided by Ajax Edit Comments.”
I can’t find a “styles” section in any of the AEC settings pages. Can anyone tell me where it is?
]]>Here’s my situation:
The plugin was installed more than a year ago and network activated.
When WP 3.5 update made TinyMCE go wonky, I deactivated a lot of plugins to figure out why. AEC was one of them.
After I activated AEC again, the options for AEC on my Admin panel were missing. I figured that perhaps a complete uninstall and clean re-install would fix the problem.
So I did the following:
Deactivated AEC
Tried to delete AEC, but there was no “Delete” option in my Network plugin panel! (It does not appear in my site panel.)
So I went to delete the directory from the plugin directory, but it was not there.
However, there was an AEC directory under “Uploads.” I deleted it.
I went back to my Network Plugin panel, but AEC still showed up, even after refreshing the browser, etc.
I tried to install AEC nevertheless, but the system said that the plugin was already installed.
So my question is, what causes the system to recognize AEC as installed when it is deactivated and its folder is deleted. (There is no “Uninstall” option.)
What file do I need to modify to tell WP that AEC is not installed?
Please help!
]]>I’ve searched through the Pagelines forum and the problem seems to be persistent but no concrete solution has been found.
Here is a link to the site:
]]>in side bar the calendar event links are also broken (see
what i must do?
Best Regards
]]>Only one odd thing:
If widget is set up for sidebar, the layout (padding) doesn’t appear as we’d expect. Using Genesis themes – very wrinkle-free, so no problem there.
Eran Millar’s site doesn’t exactly invite interaction on this plugin – can anyone point to a site where events show up correctly in a sidebar so we can Firebug around and see how to adjust the CSS?
p.s. As advised, have added CSS to theme styling, not tweaked in the AEC custom.css.