]]>Can not use Falcon Engine. After activation, website inaccessible and “Internal server error”.
]]>Can not use Falcon Engine. After activation, website inaccessible and “Internal server error”.
]]>Can not use Falcon Engine. After activation, website inaccessible and “Internal server error”.
Thank you for your help
]]>Can not use Falcon Engine. After activation, website inaccessible and “Internal server error”.
Thank you for your help
]]>I enter:
User-Agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /index.xml$
Disallow: /excerpts.xml$
Allow: /sitemap.xml$
Disallow: /*view=rss$
Disallow: /*?view=rss$
Disallow: /*format=rss$
Disallow: /*?format=rss$
Sitemap: /sitemap.xml
and the text changes to:
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 User-Agent: Googlebot\
Disallow: /index.xml$\
Disallow: /excerpts.xml$\
Allow: /sitemap.xml$\
Disallow: /*view=rss$\
Disallow: /*?view=rss$\
Disallow: /*format=rss$\
Disallow: /*?format=rss$\
Sitemap: /sitemap.xml}
This is the page here… and if you look down you will see a link off to an mp3 called “be mine tonight”. To the left of it you have a link “buy” | listen
Once i put the link in the two lines above behave like links in firefox and the rest of the text is like a selected link color. In I.E. it doesnt appear like a link but appears like a selected link color.
Can anyone explain how i would isolate this.
The code that makes the link for “buy” is :
<script language=’javascript’ type=’text/javascript’ src=’′>
Does javascript in pages makes for such strange behaviour?
Thanks for all help