Can anyone reccomend a plugin that can be used for a condolence book on a school alumni website. It would ideally need to accept photos.
There doesnt appear to be a dedicated condolence plugin, which is a bit surprising unless you know of one.
I’ve been looking at the Gwolle guest book but it doesnt appear to handle photos.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
]]>– Can have profiles of more than 1,000 members
– Can customize fields of information such as name, age, birthday etc hopefully including photo
– Can allow users to register themselves and edit the information
– Need account and password to access this page because it shouldn’t be disclosed to people outside of our group
– Can allow users to search each other in the page with the conditions of profiles or keywords
I may be able to create such a page by developing database etc but to save my time, I want to utilize the existing plugins. Thank you!
]]>I am very new to WordPress, I was creating an Alumni Website for my college I wanted to know how do i extend profile ??
By Extend Profile I mean, as the user logins in, he will be having option to update his data
like Name, Present Location, Past Company Details, Present Company Details, Achievements etc ..
]]>Job Title [ input field ]
Job Description [ textarea ]
Job Started [ date picker ]
Job Ended [ date picker ]
Job Attachments [ upload multiple document files ]
Is this possible with this plugin?
]]>Just wanna ask if this plugin is still in active development? Any plans of updating it from v0.4.1 and make it compatible with WordPress 3.4.1?
Thank you
]]>I’m working on a site for a non-profit organization that graduates a ‘class’ each year. I’m looking for a plug-in that will allow users to select a year and view the members of that class.
I’ve been looking around but haven’t been able to find exactly what I’m looking for. Any help is appreciated!
]]>I’m wondering if there is a way to require users to enter their name when they register.
I run an alumni wordpress web site, and I’d like to say something along the lines of “You must enter your name to register” or maybe “You must enter your name: Enter your class year for your first name, then at least your first name and last initial for your last name.”
Any help? Thanks.
]]>I am in the throws of creating an online Alumni and I’m using a piece of software called AlumniPro 2. It does everything I want it to do, but wonder how easily (if at all possible) it could be integrated into wordpress so that users only need to register once etc.
Hope that makes sense.
Do you run an alumni website with WordPress?
I could run a WordPress alumni site on my own server or host it at — but I haven’t decided yet and would like to hear about your experiences first.
What do you think of WordPress used for this purpose? Can you show me your alumni website? (If you’re not comfortable displaying the link here can you contact me privately with a link? ms dot amazon at gmail dot com
Question No. 2
In talking to some alumni (1960s through 1970s) I realized most aren’t comfortable with computers. I forsee a lot of hand holding with a WordPress site. Looking for an easier way out, I found:
Project Alumni, an open source “lightweight” alumni application. It’s a little too lightweight for what I want to do, though. they give you free hosting/software but get 6% of reunion ticket/merchandise sales. $9.95 a month. $119.95 a year
I’m wondering if alumni website webmasters have tried any of these options and think they’re worth the money, rather than trying to shoehorn WordPress into this kind of job.
Most features I want, though, are available through WP and associated plugins, like password-protection and photo galleries. It’s just that it may be a lot more work for me.
I appreciate any feedback on this type of project. Thanks!