This is reversed in this plugin. Could this be updated as a sports specific configuration?
]]>What are your recommendations in regard to configuration based on the following facts:
I am only interested in managing the players and events belonging to 1 school.
The high school (Hawks) has 4 teams, Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman A, and Freshman B
The governing body ( is divided into Alignments then split into 4 Regions, and finally by 32 districts.
The Championship game(s) is by Alignment. i.e., Each alignment has their own State Champion.
The top 2 district champions move into the playoffs.
Players are rarely shared between teams.
The Varsity team will be the only team that is tracked beyond final scores. In other words; I will not be keeping stats and there are not any championship games. They can be considered developmental squads but scores are kept for bragging rights.
I will be investing a great deal of time into this project so I naturally would like to set it up correctly the first time.
Some of the questions I have run into are:
How should I set up the competitions? I currently have 4, varsity having 3 levels, the others only having 1
How much information is needed for the other teams? I think it would make sense to only add the other non-district teams as we reach the playoffs since there would be no possibility of playing the eliminated teams.
Thanks for your input.
]]>I was curious as to whether or not you feel your plug-in/code might be adaptable to American Football if you are familiar with American football at all .. and if so any suggestions you might have to making the necessary changes to your plug-in and where to start … ? feasibility? difficulty?
I’ve attempted to draw some preliminary parallels but initially it seems it may not be possible …
I’m working on an NFL draft website at the moment … my partner is the coder and I am business rules …
the 4 base metaphors I’m reviewing are teams and team players(the draft prospects) and fantasy football players(fans) and betting(for prizes etc) – there would be a point system linked to measure the degree of correctness of draft picks which could be equated to matches … thus allowing for prizes to be awarded to the most accurate estimators …
Coral Atlas
]]>do u plan to add scores for american football, like touchdowns, field goals, safeties and correct point count?
]]>Here is my wish list:
1. Radio button option for pick selection.
My pool will be using point spreads to determine the winner so I’d rather my players just pick one side or the other.
2. A new field for the point spread.
Ideally a box in between the Home team and Visitor team. Currently I will be editing the team name e.g., UCLA+5. Would like not to.
3. Export function.
I’ve entered about ~100 american college football teams. They all have page links and flags URLs and their group/leagues are entered. If I were able to export a csv file, I’d be able to edit as needed but also share it with anyone who might want that dataset. (I expect to be doing same with NFL teams.. would be happy to share in a dropbox if I could export.)
4. Link field for teams not working.
I’ve entered a URL for most of the teams in the pool but I’m not getting an active hyperlink in the form. I’ve tried with ‘Show team name as links’ ticked and unticked, neither working.
5. Can Question text box larger?
In my pool I ask the player to choose one ‘pick of the week’ and write a short essay on why. I’m using the bonus question feature for this, but it’s too small and I haven’t discovered how I might make it bigger. ‘Max length for shoutbox message’ did not help.
6. The radio buttons in the admin pages are no longer seen with WP 3.8 and Chrome/Mac browser.
After upgrading to WP 3.8 the radio buttons aren’t showing up. It might be WordPress, might be me. Just an FYI… everything still seems to be working.
I’m very much looking forward to using your tool. (I’m also hitting up my players for a couple dollars each to send your way for building/supporting this handy software.)
Thanks for your help.
Here is the landing page if you want to take a look: