In another instance, I am trying to have some HTML (a div and script tag) be presented after the form is submitted, but there are two bugs with Forminator making it impossible: (1) The ampersand (&) in a URI keeps getting replaced by & which breaks the whole thing. This was mentioned in a number of Forminator support threads. They were closed as resolved saying it would be fixed with an update, but the updates have not fixed it. (2) Any script I add to an HTML field is removed by Forminator upon saving. I am trying to use Forminator to gather info and conditionally pass some info via URI parameters to another service. I want it to act as a wall to not show this content except upon submission, but I cannot get Forminator to show this content. I really love Forminator and recommend it all the time, but Forminator is making this basic outcome impossible.
]]>this is the URL that appears on the destination website. The ampersand symbol has been replaed with the semicolon;cmp=dt-test
first thank you for this wonderful plugin which makes life lot easier.
until i spotted the following behaviour
It could be a misbehaviour in the plugin, maybe some char utf8-ish configuration issue, some security issue thingy or misunderstatement from me.
so when duplicating a post which contains the ampersand character &
in post_title, then in the duplicated post the ampersand character is encoded.
original post title “cool & the gang”
duplicate post title “cool & the gang”
which for me, is not a super exact duplicate.
this is caused by the usage of wp_kses_post
in this line:
found some similar issue on another topic of WordPress here:
Plugin Version: Version 2.32
WordPress Version 6.4.3
I have a form that does some calculations and then redirects on submission to a results page, where it passes these parameters:
This used to work fine, but some update broke it and the form now redirects to:
The &
is being replaced with #038;
and it is breaking my results page because I cannot parse the URL params from it.
I’ve searched and I have found multiple threads about this. One from here said use AJAX instead of page reload. This worked but it introduced a new problem. Just before the redirect, it flashes the beginning of the form for a few seconds, where I have a welcome message and instructions. To the user this is confusing submission behaviour and makes the form seem broken – as if it had reset to the beginning – before you are taken to the results page.
Another I found on the WPMU Dev forum said edit the forminator/build/front//front.multi.min.js
file and replace (i.location.href =
with (i.location.href ="#038;","&"
but I can’t find that line anywhere in the file. It must’ve changed in an update.;)
Please help!
]]>The url is actually provided in a hidden field. Then, in the form behavior, we are using “Redirect user to a URL” and the Redirect URL field has this in it:
I’ve tried substituting the ampersand code ‘%26’ in the above, but that gets ignored and dropped entirely. Do I need to intercept the form via a Forminator API function and fix it there? If so, can you suggest a function? I’m not sure what hook could be used to intercept before the user gets redirected.
Thanks for any help!
]]>I noticed that when filtering on a category which includes an ampersand, the filter doesn’t work. I get the message “No products were found matching your selection.”
Is there a quick fix for this issue?
The problem can be seen in a footer link for “Terms & Conditions”. Elsewhere on the site, however, it is correctly translating the ampersand as “und”.
A custom field is being used to generate the footer’s “Terms & Conditions” text. Would it matter if I’m using esc_html with this text variable or not?
Is there something I can do to resolve this issue?
shows like & amp;
and fails.
when the HTML gets renderized, the ampsersand are ok, but in the source code remains as & amp;
Call to
turns on amp;type=test
on my noamp pages, those calls doesn’t change de ampersand and everything works fine.
I have the latest version of the plugin
]]>The function in wordpress for content doesn’t do it. It’s gumming up a shortcode I’m trying to use.
Thanks for any insight anyone has!
The following does NOT work:
add_filter( 'the_content', 'filter_the_amp_content',100 );
function filter_the_amp_content( $content ) {
$content = str_replace("&","&",$content);
return $content;
]]>I’ve found a problem with the Gutenberg shortcode block and it affects to Wp Show Posts attributes in shortcode.
I’m using Wp Show Posts shortcode like this:
[wp_show_posts id="76440" settings="taxonomy=category&tax_term=category_1"]
I haven’t detected when exactly does it happen but sometimes the ampersand character gets escaped and changes to & so the shortcode stops working as expected.
It’s weird because it doesn’t happen always. I mean the shortcode works correctly at first and I can edit and save the page several times and the & character isn’t escaped.
Then all of a sudden it changes all ampersand characters in all the shortcode blocks I have in the same page. And even though I recover a previous revision, the escaped character persists until I edit all shortcodes and save the page.
Searching Google it seems that this is a problem with html and shortcode block. Do you know a fix for this or another way to avoid it? or any way to make wp show posts use the escaped character as well as the original?