Someone can help me? In Screenshot you can see:
1) The option panel:
2) The “Standard Post”:
Thanks a lot and sorry for my italian.
]]>i am currently using anew theme from
i really like the theme but there is somthing missing, so i would like to hear if it is possible to add a slider on the frontpage like in hueman theme, there is showing resent posts with thumbnail pictures. it could also be cool if my posts had a thumbnail! i have set my featured post image and in hueman theme it works but in anew theme there is no thumbnails images only in the sidebar……
]]>But since I’be changed to WP 4.0 and changed my theme too, I have a display bug on small devices :
– the quotes appear below the primary menu on large screens (good :)) but above the primary menu on small screens (not good – on screens under 1080px wide more or less)
– this makes my primary menu look bad (it breaks and is displayed on two lines)
– on small devices, if the quote is larger than the width of the screen, it disappears and only the author name is displayed.
Here are a few screens :
– Wide screen, normal display :
– Smaller screen, bug with the place where quotes are displayed :
– Even smaller screen, bug with the place where the quotes are displayed, and with the menu :
– Smallest screen, the 3 bugs occur :
– Plugin configuration :
– Without the plugin, display on the small screens :
– Without the plugin, display on the smallest screens :
Thanks a lot for your help and support !
WP version used : 4.0
Simple Quotation version used : the last one
Theme used : Anew by Alxmedia
Website url : (password : default)
]]>Actually, I would like to change for the image post format the fa-camera icon to a fa-file-text icon
Here’s a screen of the location of that icon :
And a link : (password : default)
Thanks a lot for helping !
]]>Hi !
I post here because I unfortunately have a problem : the icon used for the “image” posts, on my website, does not fit to my needs. For that reason, I would like to simply change it, with code editing if needed. So I tried to find that icon (which is the fa-camera Font Awesome icon) in order to change it, and I did not find where I could do so.
Here is a screen of the icon I would like to change (red square):
And here is a link to my website:
(Password: default)
Could I ask you a little bit of help, to show me how to change the icon, or at least where to go (in the code) to do so ?
Many thanks !
What can I do, please? Is there any other options instead of starting working with the parent theme again???
Thank you very much!
]]>I’m having a problem with Flexslider in Anew v2.1.2.
When my slideshow has images with different orientations, all the content beneath Flexslider moves up and down.
I saw this fix, but I’m not even sure how to apply it. I’ve tried putting that code in jquery.flexslider.min.js
or functions.php
, without success.
My alternate ideas was to simply disable autoplay, but I don’t know how to do that either.
Can someone please give me some advice?
Thanks in advance.