I’ve tested it on newer WordPress Versions, the problem is that the options are not showing in the admin to create, categories and are not creating the albums, etc…
If someone has imported their aniga galleries over to another gallery plugin, let me know this also.
]]>My other pages have a permalink structure, so this works fine with google.
Can WP Super Cache help me in this case? I am asking this, because the first line of the description for the plugin is this: “This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.”
Or should I concentrate on other things to get my photopages indexed?
I would appreciate your thoughts.
Thanks and regards,
For some reason, now all my Administrative Interfaces are missing from Settings. I tried deactivating and deleting aNiga, but nothing happened. I don’t know which change caused this, but I don’t really understand how it could have happened. I’m leaning towards perhaps nextGen deleting some SQL entries it wasn’t supposed to when uninstalling. Anyone have any ideas?
]]>I am using the WP-plugin ANIga gallery v0.30 to show photos on my website.
Default this plugin shows the filename as alt for the pictures. I want to use the caption instead, and add a title attribute to it. I managed to do this for the photo page. But I cannot get the thumbs page to work, because the code is a bit different.
Here is a link to the functions.php. I guess I need to change this part of the code:
function thumbpics() {
global $aniga, $aniga_lang;
$album = $this->album;
$col = 1;
$col_count = get_option('anigal_colums');
$thumbs = $aniga->getthumbs($album->alb_id, $this->page['page_start'], $this->page['page_end']);
foreach ($thumbs as $pic) {
if ($col == 1) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<td align="center" valign="middle" class="gallery_thumb_td"><a href="<?php echo anigal_get_permalink($this->id, $pic->pid, 'pid'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo $pic->path . 'thumb_' . $pic->filename; ?>" class="gallery_pic_border" alt ="<?php echo $pic->filename; ?>" /></a>
I tried replacing the $pic->filename with $pic->caption or title, (you can find that in the last line of the above code) but that doesn’t work.
Here is a link to a thumb page, so you can see the code of that also: https://www.akershoek.com/wp/recent-photos/
Can someone help me solve this?
Best regards,
Jeroen Akershoek
I did see that it requires gdlib 2, but I have no idea how to check if I have that. After reading up on it, it looks like it should be included in my PHP install, and I have v.4.4.1, which I assume should be fine.
This is frustrating the life out of me, as it’s the only gallery plugin I’ve found that allows comments and nested albums, which is what I need. Can anyone shed some light on the problem?
]]>I managed to get the Gallery Index to show up but when you click on an Album, a 404 pops up.
Im stumped how to get this to work correctly with my Theme.
]]>I managed to get the Gallery Index to show up but when you click on an Album, a 404 pops up.
Im stumped how to get this to work correctly with my Theme.
– currently using the plugin ANIGA gallery v0.31 (which has a fix for WP 2.1.3)
– have WordPress 2.1.3 installed
– when using the plugin, I frequently experience problem uploading pictures:
>> I somehow cannot use any of the Mass Upload methods…
>> so I stuck with Bulk Upload, in many cases Bulk Upload works perfect when I upload 1 picture @ a time (since uploading 5 pics @ a time sometimes lead to problems).
>> however now when I try to upload photos one @ a time, it doesn’t work. Instead of seeing something like this (screenshot), I see a blank screen like this (screenshot)
Please help! Any insight is appreciated!
To be honest this problem is such a piss-off that I want to discontinue using Aniga, however it is the only WP plugin I found that allows
1) user comments for photos
2) different albums (& categories which is a bonus!)
3) fully intergrated so that blog layout can still be seen
So if anyone who doesn’t know how to solve my Aniga problem but know of a gallery plugin that has the 3 features above, let me know as well!
PS. I’ve already went through WordPress’s Image plugin list But you can still recommend me stuff from there. I’m just saving your time from copying and pasting the url and telling me to check it out.
Thank you all.