I appreciate the time you take looking over my question. I have a PowerPress install and I migrated this morning over to WP-Engine.
The feed seems different to me, but I could be craazy. I seem to remember the Powepress Feed looked a bit like the feedburner feeds of old that have some basic HtmL structure, a graphic, and a gui kind of feel to it.
Now it appears to be strictly XML. But passes a general validation OK. https://castfeedvalidator.com/?url=https://www.godsmessageontheweb.com/index.php/feed/podcast is the validation and my feeds are served in https and http here https://www.godsmessageontheweb.com/index.php/feed/podcast/
Do I have anything to really worry about? Is it in my head possible. Does that validation look good enough to keep iTunes happy and updating my podcast?
When I validate from W3C they are a bit crankier and state.
This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.
line 2, column 0: Use of unknown namespace: https://www.rawvoice.com/rawvoiceRssModule/ [help]
<rss version=”2.0″
line 2, column 0: Use of unknown namespace: https://www.google.com/schemas/play-podcasts/1.0/play-podcasts.xsd [help]
<rss version=”2.0″
line 37, column 269: Encode “&” and “<” in plain text using hexadecimal character references. [help]
… ver, he made room to live in our hearts.</itunes:summary>
line 86, column 347: itunes:summary should not contain HTML: a (166 occurrences) [help]
… on earth to forgive sins”- t…]]></itunes:summary>
Source: https://www.godsmessageontheweb.com/index.php/feed/podcast/
Some of the articles i’ve seen say an extra space in a file like wp-config.php could cause this grief. I have 100 new lines in mine after the new migration.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
W3C – https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A//www.godsmessageontheweb.com/index.php/feed/podcast/
]]>I’m tring to use fanybox when the messagge is submit.
In other words:
1. messagge is ok and it is submit than a fancybox it appears.
is it possible?
]]>This is a page, build with siteorigin pagebuilder:
This is a standart created page:
]]>I installed the latest free version of metaslider to test it’s possibilities. I put two slideshows in a post and one in a sidebar to see if I could place three in a row, but all of a sudden two extra ones popped up. One in the sidebar and one in the post. I removed all of them, but the ones that appeared on their own didn’t go away. I deleted the slideshow itself and then they were all gone.
Later I deactivated metaslider and the shortcode popped up again in the places where it appeared out of nowhere. It still does when I delete the plugin.
I don’t see the shortcode if metaslider is active, but that’s not really a solution. How do I get rid of the wandering shortcodes?
Problem can be found on
wp.annienke.com at the bottom of the masonry gallery
wp.annienke.com/about/ in the sidebar
Hope you can help!
]]>I would like to create a scroll down menu by category that have subcategories that appears only when the mouse cursor is on the category.
I know how to create the menu with categories and sub-categories but everything appears on the menu and I would like the subcategories to appears only when the cursor is on it.
For eg: if I have categories (Chicago, New York, Las Vegas) and when my cursor is over Chicago, it opens either under or on the right the subcategories (north Chicago, south Chicago, east Chicago, downtown etc..)
Thank you very much for your help.
]]>I have a problem with my wordpress website. I was wondering, if anyone can give me an insight how to fix this issue.
I am using a wordpress theme with woocommerce. Some of my content on a few pages appears twice.
Forexample: https://store.shormacha.com/?page_id=8
This is the checkout page. The payment method options on the right hand side appears twice.
Please help.
]]>Popup works ok, but it still shows the shortcode in the post page. Can you help?