Thanks for your time.
]]>I am trying to get an applet to run within a WordPress page, using a .jar archive. Here is the applet code I am using:
<applet code = "gui.ConverterGUI.class"
codebase = ""
archive = "AConverter.jar"
width = 800
height = 600>
<param name="permissions" value="sandbox" />
When I attempt to load the applet on that page I get the error: “ClassNotFoundException”. My question is, how should I indicate which location to search for the archive, as what I have above doesn’t work.
I am also confident that this is not an issue with the applet itself or the archive, as I can get the applet to run in browser by placing the archive and a html file in the root directory for the server. – here is the webpage with the applet not loading. – here is the page I set up to test the applet.
(If more information is needed on the applet itself, I also posted this question here: )
]]>Below is the code for what I wish to add. Is there any reason why it would not display in WordPress normally as I have not been able to make it appear as of yet?
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
new FP.Widget({
query: “novels”,
affiliate: “CDBRO001”,
size: 10,
width: 250,
height: 700,
sort: “popularity”,
layout: “list”
If anybody can advise me how this can be made visible, please let me know.
]]>I am trying to add a small Javascript applet to a sidebar to a new post on my site.
It is an affiliate advert from Forbidden Planet (a comic book/sci-fi merchandise store: that I have been given the code for after opening an affiliate account with them.
I have tried many plugins to allow me to use Javascript and/or custom sidebars with no success so far.
I have tried the code I was given on a Javascript testing page ( and found that there was no problem with the scripting itself.
I have also tried the code on the main body of a test page to see if there was just a problem with it being in a sidebar but had the same problem.
I am stuck with what I can do but know there must be a way around this. Does anybody know how to overcome this?
My website,, is running on the Quintus theme.
Many thanks.
]]>I am designing my webpage: and I have run into an issue with my navigation bar. I have a Java Applet on my Warnings page and my css built navigation bar appears (when hovered over) appears underneath the Applet. I have tried the z-index, but to no avail. I have used values of z-index:1, z-index:99, z-index:1000, and I got fed up and tried z-index:100000000000. None of these worked to bring the css in front of the Applet. I thought of changing the applet parameter to”-1″ within the APPLET CODE declaration. I figured if I set this to -1 and had the css at a positive number it would bring it up front, but it did not. Any help would be appreciated! Here is the website and css files:
Thank you!!!
]]><applet code="org.lwjgl.util.applet.AppletLoader"
width="800" height="600">
<param name="al_title" value="myslickgame">
<param name="al_main" value="org.newdawn.slick.AppletGameContainer">
<param name="game" value="org.defaultpackage.main">
<param name="al_jars" value="spacewalk.jar, lwjgl.jar, slick.jar">
<param name="al_windows" value="windows_natives.jar">
<param name="al_linux" value="linux_natives.jar">
<param name="al_mac" value="macosx_natives.jar">
<param name="separate_jvm" value="true">
However, on my page I receive an error when I load the applet saying the lwjgl file isn’t there. Which is not surprising, because it isn’t. I have no idea where to upload my JAR file in a location where the page could read it. I looked through my file manager in C-Panel and couldn’t find a location that worked so is there a way to do this through wordpress? Any help is appreciated. Oh, and yes I download the Java applet plugin
]]>Does anyone get an idea?
]]>I’ve pared the code down to the barest minimum:
<applet code="crossword.class" archive="crossword.jar" width=640 height=470>
<param name="puzzle1" value="christmas-carols-1.crossword">
It works here, as a raw html page:
But not here, in the WordPress framework:
I’m not sure where WordPress would be expecting to find the .jar file—I have copies of it (and the .class and .crossword files) in my original /java directory, in my /public_html root, and in my operative theme folder, just to see if they would pick it up from one of those.
I’ve also tried various permutations of things like codebase=”” and archive=”” etc. etc. with no luck.
Does anybody have a clue what might be happening? Should this even work at all? Thanks!