Plugins I’ve tried:
– WP Easy Columns
– Columns
– Column Matic
I am using the most current version of WordPress and the theme I am using is ColorwayPro Responsive Theme
]]>The only options for saving this new page are “save draft” or “send for review” I thought it may be a privilages issue but I am admin so there should be no problem there. The only plugin I have active is BackBuddy so now I am a bit stumped. Am I missing something obvious? Would appreciate some advice.
]]>I found many entries in this forum, none answered satisfactingly, so I post my personal solution to my very own problem here to help those who encounter this problem in the future:
You may find this description in GERMAN here:
Setup: WP 3.0.4
Plugins: only my own, all shipped plugins deleted
Description of Error:
Created new Posttype, wanted to fill an entry into Posttype, when “saving” the Posttype-Entry, I got to a nearly empty page with message: “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” and a link back to the add-new-{posttype}-page.
My way to find the solution:
activate WP-DEBUG (wp-config.php)
find error-message
“Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in….\wordpress\wp-admin\includes\meta-boxes.php on line 17”
look into this file and see
$can_publish = current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->publish_posts);
at line 17.
Add line: echo "<pre>".print_r($post,1)."</pre>";
in front of line 17. (You may also write echo "<pre>".print_r($post_type,1)."</pre>";
as this was the only information I finally needed.)
I saw my posttype being cut to a total length. So instead of my probably 22 characters-long-posttype wordpress only handled 20 characters of it. When wordpress wanted to insert my 22characters-long-posttype, it compared the original posttype somewhere to an cut-down one and therefore got an internal error somewhere.
As my posttype is put together from my Plugin-unique-string and one word to describe it, I shortened this posttype-string and it worked fine.
The sole error message from WordPress has been: “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” The latter three words are a circular link back to the page.
Checking via Google, this appears to be an error message generated by Google and not the plugin.
I cannot strongly criticize this error message enough. It scores nearly as high on the top 10 list of useless error messages as “Keyboard not found, press any key to continue.”
To be more precise and less hyperbolic, the message tells the user absolutely nothing whatsoever about what is going on. It is not a true confirmation dialogue because there is not an opportunity to answer the question being posed. The link in this particular case merely goes to the same page; I am not sure if this happens in every other case.
Googling revealed that this may have something to do with something called a “nonce” which superceded the strategy of checking the HTTP referrer. This, to be honest, is above my head a bit. But a dialogue attempting to explain some of it … or, frankly, saying ANYTHING that actually related to whatever was going on … would have been mountains upon mountains more useful than this piece of crud.
I would very strongly advocate that this error message be changed to be a more intelligent description of whatever is generating the error message, along with a suggestion of what avenue the user might pursue in order to fix it.
As it stands, I have absolutely no idea where the error lies and no idea what to investigate to fix it, and that is because such initial guidance is usually provided by an error message. This message fails at the basic purpose of what an error message should perform.