I would like to know if this is feasible to do with Woo or would it be necessary to do custom development.
This is a website that sells electricity services, more specifically electricity rates. I want to have a Customer Area where users can log into their account to:
– Consult and pay bills
– Check your consumption
– Manage your contracts and services.
From Woo you can create a basic user area where you can see orders, personal data, billing data… I think you can’t do what they mentioned, I don’t know if maybe through some plugin that’s what I’m looking at.
On the other hand, I want to connect that Customer Area to some CRM, this would be a secondary step but it would also have to be taken into account.
Thank you very much in advance
]]>1) The post page template must be made to receive a widget area. In my theme, I have a template called “Full Width Boxed”. If a add a widget area using the Widget Editor or the customizer, it will never appear on the post or page. The only template that will accept widget areas is “Default Template”, because it has a sidebar that can host a widget area. Is it normal this template is the only one compatible with Widget Areas?
2) I want to add widgets as blocks inside a post/page. So I edit a post, add a block with the “+” button, click on “browse all”, then tab “Blocks”, then category “Widgets’, and then I can’t find all the widgets there. I installed the widget “Recent Posts Extended” and it is nowhere to be found. Why?
3) If I can’t use my favorite template to add widgets areas, I told myself I would just need to add an empty block and register it as a widget area. I couldn’t find how to do that so I installed a plugin : “Content Aware Sidebars”. But I was wondering if I really need to overload my website with one more plugin? Is there a way to do this “natively”?
Thanks and see you soon,
]]>What I want (and have, in other site)
What I have:
How to do?
]]>I wonder if it’s possible that the area information for some reason is not being downloaded from the MLS database. That’s unlikely since it’s one of the most important parameters next to price.
]]>Does anyone can help me to display a content description for any area ?
Like, for a country, I create a country, I set a description and when I click on : show the page, the description doesn’t appear
The property listings linked to the area work fine.
I just need to display the city description or neighborhood description.
thank you for your help
have a nice day.
I want to set for evereywher eon my website, the “Content Area Spacing” for my sidebar as “top and down” option.
I actually works on my front page, on my different publications, however, on the different Pages, the content area spacing for my sidebar always revert back to “unactivated”, which makes the navigation quite inelegent.
I fear I am missing something, or that it’s a conflict issue.
Any idea ?
Thank you!
Had to generate a code for cookie settings and these are the next steps, maybe give me an exaxt step by step tutorial where to go and what to do.
Step 2: Integrate the HTML code for the Usercentrics script into your website
In order to use your services only with the consent of your website visitors, you must first integrate the HTML code for the Usercentrics script into your website.
When you have run through the generator above, you will finally receive a piece of HTML code in the Script tag for your website, which looks like this:
<script type = “application / javascript” src = “https://app.usercentrics.eu/latest/main.js” id = “XXXXXXXXX”> </script>
Instead of “XXXXXXXXX” you will find your personal settings ID.
Copy this HTML code to your clipboard and then paste it into the <head> area of ??the HTML source code of your website so that the Usercentrics Consent Management Platform (CMP) is called up on your website.
(((Where is this?)))
Important: Make sure that the HTML code for the Usercentrics script is integrated into every page of your website, because visitors – regardless of which page they enter your website on – must first have the opportunity to go through the cookie consent at every point .
After this Step 3,4,and 5 need to do some changes in the HTML code then. But let us do it step by step im so overwhelmed
A drop-down list of geographic areas in the Woocommerce shipping details form is missing in the translated page.
? The original englsh checkout page:
(you would need to add a product to your basket first : https://test.aeroprint.shop/en/product/desk-calendar-zeus/ )
? And the tranlated page missing the Areas drop-down list :
Thank you !
Nick D.