Je cherche comment modifier l’alignement des images mises en avant des articles. J’aimerais les centrer mais mon thème les mets par défaut à gauche.
Impossible de trouver une balise align dans le style.css relative à “fetured-image”.
Le thème utilisé est “Argent”, la version est 5.4.1, l’hébergeur est ovh.
Merci par avance !
]]>For reference, the website I’m working on is I’m using the Argent theme.
I’m trying to change the color of the text in hyperlinks (across the entire site) without changing the color of the header text. The header text is a link that leads back to the home page itself, and apparently this is a setting that can’t be changed.
The default color for hyperlink text is difficult to recognize as a hyperlink that should be clicked on. I want to change it to something more obvious.
I found some CSS codes for changing the hyperlink properties (color, underline, etc) but when applied across the site, they also changed the header text. I don’t know how to leave the header text as it is, and still change the color of all other hyperlinks on site.
How can I solve this?
]]>I need some help with my blog / posts and the way the image appears next to the post summary.
The site is:
1. I would like the featured image to appear to the left of the text (the way it is in the Argent theme demo).
2. Once the blog post is clicked, the title and featured image are huge. Is there a way of making it smaller?
3. At the bottom, where it says “Leave a Reply”, the button to submit the comment is visible, but the text is not. I’ve searched the CSS style sheet to try and find where I can change this but I’ve had no luck. I also have the same problem with the button under the “CONTACT” page.
Sorry for these basic questions, but I’ve spend days on this now and am still stuck. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
]]>Firstly, I love Argent. Thank you for providing such a beautiful and clean theme.
I’m new to WordPress and have managed to do a lot of the customization myself with the help of YouTube videos, but I’m stuck on a few things with the portfolio:
If it helps, this is my site:
1. Is there a way of changing the order of the portfolio items? I read that the order can be reversed, but I was wondering if it’s possible to change the order completely?
2. The featured images for each portfolio is distorted / cut off on the home page. I would like to create new images (with a black background and a 3D version of my books) to replace the existing images. In order to do that I would ideally need the size requirements suitable for the portfolio featured images. If possible in pixels.
3. Can the portfolio appear on more than just one page (in this case it’s currently displayed on the home page). But I would like the portfolio to appear on my ‘BOOKS’ page as well. Is there a way I can do that?
Many thanks in advance for your help. I’m currently on a steep learning curve with wordpress but happy to report it’s getting better every day.
I have some other questions, but they are not related to the Portfolio so I will create a new thread.
Thanks again.
]]>If I go back into the customizer, take off the header, and then put it back, it is fine on all of the pages, but as soon as I do anything else on any of the pages it gets cut off again on all of the pages.
I made some alterations to the argent theme for the background colour, text colour, and bullets… but when I checked the css in dreamweaver it doesn’t show any problems.
The site is
I would be so appreciative of any help you can offer. I’m a newbie… this is my first site ever.
]]>I made some alterations to the argent theme for the background colour, text colour, and bullets… but when I checked the css in dreamweaver it doesn’t show any problems.
The site is
I would be so appreciative of any help you can offer. I’m a newbie… this is my first site ever.
]]>Thank you!
Thank you for your help!
]]>Here is my blog:
I just got it blog with Argent theme.
How do I reduce the size of the box? In other words, I don’t want the big gap between “College defined” and the bottom of the box.