I am wondering if it is possible to grab the headlines and basic information about posts marked aside and use them in a widget in the sidebar.
I want to include a formatted headline, and post date for the last 3 or 4 asides written. Is there a quick way to do this?
]]>Problematically for Googling a solution is the fact that in magazines these are usually called sidebars (and they are called sidebars in the code here too).
You will see that most of them, on a desktop, first show as a half-width column, compressed also vertically showing a title and a bit of a peak at the contents. When you click on the “Read more” it expands to full width and to the full height of the contents.
ON small devices they are always full-width and are only shorter when closed, taller when opened.
I think there is great potential for some rich articles with this kind of feature. The closest thing I have been able to find is a toggle, which works almost identically to the way this boxout works on a phone or other small device. But the 1/2 width to full-width expansion on open I can find nowhere.
Of course, it doesn’t help that the terms callouts, asides, excerpts, quotations, boxouts, callout boxes etc are all used completely ambiguously and almost interchangeably. Everywhere but WordPress sidebar would be in that list too.
But surely what the Harvard Business Review has done here is not THAT difficult. Is it?
Thanks in advance. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
]]>Example of my first instance of using the aside format here:
Thank you.
]]>I want my www.ads-software.com website to have a static front page, and all the blog posts to be on a “Blog” page. I have my static page set up, no problem. I have a separate Blog page set up, no problem.
Where the problem lies is in my import. I have a WordPress.com blog that I wanted to import to the new site. I exported it, no problem. However, when I imported it, I got my old posts on the blog page AND on my static front page. It seems the only way I can move them to the blog page and off the front page is to reformat them as asides. This, of course, removes the titles, and is time consuming as I have no idea how to reformat them en masse.
What can I do to move the posts to the proper place and restore the titles? Thanks in advance.