First, the link to the catalog is inserting 0[] at the end of the variable. What’s more, the type should be id, not ISN.
For example, “[]=1630755&type0[]=ISN” should be “”.
Second, the image link references the wrong ID. It is pulling the record numbers and not the ISN and UPC.
For example, “” should be “”.
Finally, how does one adjust the size of the cover image? Currently it is set to large and medium is more appropriate.
I should also add, that the broken links are related to lists created using the Evergreen Supercat web service.
Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I am working with the Aspen theme
I am trying to learn as I go while building a web site for a small kids camp in Wanganui, New Zealand.
thanks for any help and advice
]]>We have specified that they be sorted in descending order by date and a max of 10 per page in each case.
However, although there are relevant, correctly tagged posts for most of the pages, they are not loading in any of the pages except one, however, none of the posts being loaded to that page are relevant to the tags or categories for that page.
Anyone have any ideas what is wrong?
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