I have been trying to assign reviews to specific posts/pages, but I am unable to do so. Any test review I enter on the frontend, is assigned to all posts, and every post displays the average rating across all posts, instead of only for that specific post. I have tried everything, including selecting the ‘Strict Assignment’ option, using “assigned_posts”, “assigned_terms” and “post_type” correctly in my short codes with the correct post IDs/slugs and Categories, even adding the following code in the functions.php file of my theme (WordPress twenty-twenty-four):
add_filter(‘site-reviews/query/sql/clause/operator’, function () {
return ‘AND’;
These are the short codes I have inserted on my page: [site_reviews_summary post_type:cultural-tour-3-days hide=”bars”], [site_reviews_form post_type:cultural-tour-3-days] and [site_reviews post_type:cultural-tour-3-days display=”10″].
On another page ( https://bhutantropicaltoursandtravel.com/2024/06/16/dagala-trekking/ ), I ahve inserted similar short codes, with just the slug being different (dagala-trekking).
Nothing seems to work. Can someone help me resolve this issue? I would be very grateful.
Thanks and regards,
]]>Help me in it asap.
Thanks & Regards
]]>Work is working perfectly. If I go to work page (siteurl.com/work), all of the correct portfolio items appear. If I click on an item, it takes me to siteurl.com/work/work-title and the page loads correctly.
However, on the Blog page, which is set up identically, after clicking on an item, the siteurl.com/blog/blog-title page gets a 404.
Here’s the confusing part… If I change the url to ‘siteurl.com/work/blog-title’ the page loads correctly.
What would be the cause of the portfolio post being assigned to the right page, but the wrong permalink?
If I set the site to Default Permalinks, everything works as it should.
Thanks in advance for the help!
]]>For example, I am the admin and I assign a certain ticket to person x. The problem: this person can’t see in the front-end, that it’s assigned to him. He must go and check the back-end if it’s assigned to him… how can I make a shortcode or a page that gives me access to all tickets that are assigned to a certain person in the front-end? Am I missing something?
Or, if this isn’t possible, is it possible to show the agent’s name to which the ticket is assigned, @ front-end in the ticket itself?
]]>Any help greatly appreciated.
Love Pete x
This is what I have…
$taxonomy = 'category';
// get the term IDs assigned to post.
$post_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );
// separator between links
$separator = ', ';
if ( !empty( $post_terms ) && !is_wp_error( $post_terms ) ) {
$term_ids = implode( ',' , $post_terms );
$terms = wp_list_categories( 'title_li=&style=list&hierarchical=1&echo=1&taxonomy=' . $taxonomy . '&include=' . $term_ids );
$terms = rtrim( trim( str_replace( '<br />', $separator, $terms ) ), $separator );
// display post categories
echo $terms;
But i’d
]]>Can I, assign a user to one or several particuar categories (a post category) .
In my blog, I want i.e.
User Hassan .. only to be able to write articles/posts to category “Wine”
User Bob .. only to be able to write articles/posts to category “Beer”
User Christine .. only to be able to write articles/posts to category “Lifestyle” and “Decorations”
All users still have to be able to see and view eachothers articles.
Can this be done with Role Scoper ? or any other plugins?
]]>Is there as plug-in which will allow me to, in Page Editing, assign a page to a specific widget enabled in Appearance/Widgets, thereby eliminating the need to edit every widget but one to exclude that page? I know there is FlexiPages Widget but that still requires the editing of every widget to include/exclude pages.
Better yet, where I’m really going with this is… I have enabled the plug-in Capability Manager so that any user who registers has the ability to create and manage only their own page. However, I want all members pages of that user group to be contained under one specific widget, so the ability to assign a default page widget to a specific user group and have that selection option in Page Editing would be ideal.
Basically this would be similar to Categories for Pages but assigned by User instead of Category. This would give the admin control of where users post pages as opposed to the User choosing.
Any ideas?
]]>Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?
Thanks for your help!!