I am playing with dynamic tags in elementor. In there, i have to use shortcode to only show name of the reviewer.
What i did is [reviews_rating id=”1,5,3″ avatar=”false” icon=”no” name=”no” vicinity=”no” stars=”no” rating=”no” count=”no” date=”no” attribution=”no” review_text=”no”]
But it shows the star rating. How can i remove the star?
I been searching a lot on the internet for some solution but found none so far…
Anyone here that have an idea of how you can remove and kill this part of the author names programmatically, (Note: I don’t want to use a plugin)?
]]>I’ve read everything possible about how to display the author name in Sela.
I have two authors, both with several posts and pages published.
I am not using a child theme (and I don’t need instructions on how or why to use one, please).
I have tried following the various instructions re pieces of code from the inc/template file, but they are – to me – not clearly phrased, and if I follow the steps as I think they are meant, my whole site dies because of invalid code.
Can some please, please help? The site is part of a project that’s due to launch this week, and it’s been incredibly stressful getting everything to look the way I want it to.
This is my final hurdle.
]]>is there any way i can search by tags, author names ..if i enter tag, author names i should be able to get the results related to that search terms ..
please help
]]>Again the author name will not show; either in post or when you go to the “edit post” dashboard. I have created a new author not as an administrator to see if that was the problem but still no author name showing up.
The only way now seems to add a custom field to every post to display the author name and an author post link; but this seems very long winded.
many thanks again
]]>How do I make the author names visible to my blog readers?
]]><cite class="feed">from <?php the_author_posts_link()?><?php
if (is_syndicated() and (get_the_author() !== get_syndication_source())):
echo ' @ <a href="'; the_syndication_source_link(); echo '">';
echo '</a>';
endif; ?></cite>
and that: “For example, here is the template code that I use (in a post context) to display both the author’s name and the original source of the post in the templates “
where do i put that code???? help! i am not a strong programmer, please be kind.
i am new to wordpress and looked through what I could be struggled to find the answer so I am hoping someone here can answer
I have recently added a new domain to a current hosting package I have with hostgator. I have set it up and uploaded wordpress with no issues. however I want my author name for blog posts to be different to the one it currently is…. I have looked around but am still none the wiser how to go about changing it
has anyone any idea how I do this?
thanks in advance