I have add a user as an author . The user log in normally (without need 2fa, thats ok beacuae i trust user) . The problem is that when the post is done , the system is not leeting him upload post image or publisg the post . It says
“you`re not allowed to edit this post” . How can i fix it?
My website has many authors. They need to view and complete some new Custom Post Type that I create for to publish on website… but only the administrator can see and complete that. How I display Custom Post Type and Custom Fields for authors? Any code to solve it?
Thank you!
]]>I tried to reset all user settings, deactivated the plugin, nothing helped.
1) The current situation now is,that as a logged in Author i do not see any posts on the official site for various events, created via frontend form within the user section for registered users (authors). However, as an admin, i do see the posts perfectly, except that it doesn’t show all of them. And in incognito mode / different browser, I do see all of the entered postings from old times, but also not the new test-entires.
2) And in the user-section it’s about the same…allthough I feel I can solve this problem, once the one above is solved.
It seems weird to me, that all user roles can be restricted and allowed on all sort of things, but at the column for my custom post types, there is no check box, which i can check, to allow e.g. authors to create a post. How comes? and how can I have the settings back to normal? even if this means, that i can not use the plugin, i don’ mind….
Many thanks for all kinds of ideas an tips.
]]>Someone with the editor role can no longer edit pages. You can only do this if you are an administrator. It looks like a conflict with UM? Is something about this known to you?
It used to work, but not anymore. I have not changed anything.
Hope to hear from you.
]]>function get_author_role()
global $authordata;
$author_roles = $authordata->roles;
$author_role = array_shift($author_roles);
return $author_role;
And the following in my single.php file in the author box area:
<h4 class="author-name"><?php the_author_meta( 'display_name' ); ?><?php echo " , " .get_author_role(); ?>
It works great except it displays the role name in lowercase, for example, Administrator displays as administrator.
I have set up custom roles such as Publisher, Correspondent, Staff Writer, etc. I want to be able to display the role’s display name rather than the role name.
I tried adding the following to my functions.php file:
if ($author_role == 'publisher' {
echo 'Publisher';
} elseif ($author_role == 'editor') {
echo 'Editor';
} elseif ($author_role == 'staff-writer') {
echo 'Staff Writer';
} elseif ($author_role == 'contributor') {
echo 'Contributor';
} elseif ($author_role == 'correspondent') {
echo 'Correspondent';
But it still shows the author role name, not the display name. Am I doing something wrong or should I be calling another function? Not sure if there is an author_display_role or anything.
]]>Also, I want to modify the byline to look like this:
Written by Luis Izquierdo, (User Role), (Twitter Handle)
Published: (Date & Time)
I already have it to show like this:
Written by Luis Izquierdo,
Published: March 5, 2017 at 3:49 pm
But i need to add the user role and get the twitter handle working.
Site URL:
I have set-up users under “Author” roles however under “Posts” the “Tags” option does not appear which would normally allow them to view all tags previously added. I have searched through all settings I could think of and even installed the User Role Editor plugin in attempt to fix this but there is no option I can find, even in the User Role Editor plugin.
Can someone please explain how I can allow Authors to view the Tags?
Thanks in advance.
]]>what do you think?
thank you so much in advance for considering it (I’d also be willing to pay for this, as a premium version of your plugin or as a custom dev work based on you plugin…).
have a great day and kudos for your work,
]]>I want my authors to be able to write their post and edit their own posts ONLY. I see that if i allow them to “edit posts” they can edit posts from all the other users and I dont want them to do that. I want them to be responsible ONLY for their own posts. Is there a way to achieve this goal?? is it already included User Role Editor?? if not how do I get it to do so?
Thank you