our indexing site allows users to create their own mini profile page – however the url is quite ugly i.e.:
could we have it so as soon as a page is created it makes a url such as:
Thank you for your time,
Something that will be able to generate a gallery for ‘Today’, Yesterday, and ‘Archives’.
I want to be able to just dump a large pool of images up and have the gallery be able to sort accordingly under individual menu items.
Thanks in advance. Very new to this level of wordpress, but learning fast.
]]>I would appreciate a feature to create a document gallery from a folder (Somewhere on the server) without importing all the files into wordpress.
Just select a folder and the gallery displays all files in that folder (without description obviously).
This would be very time serving if you often add or remove files from a gallery and also keeps your wordpress media folder clean.
What can I do about it, is there a setting that I overlooked which takes care of this?
This is the problem ^
]]>I have a theme that works pretty great for what I need. I just need a little more functionality to it. I would say I’m a bit newer to wordpress as a programmer, but do have some previous php experience. I need to somehow auto-generate a post from a project post when said project post reaches completion. Generally when it is done it will have a Bar that reaches 100, turns green and says successful. When this happens I need for that to kick off a new post with certain data already built into it (user IDs who contributed only have access, etc.) so that the content that has been created has somewhere to go to be viewed. If I can’t do something like this it can spell a horrific amount of excess manual work in the future for me. I attempted to insert it into the div and when that broke the page I then attempted to do it in the functions.php thinking that I may be missing some order of operations that is specific to wordpress. Here’s the code I am attempting to use:
function newvid_create_post() {
$post_id = -1;
// Setup the author, slug, and title for the post
$author_id = 1;
$slug = ‘postingtest’;
$title = ‘MySite Library Test’;
// If the page doesn’t already exist, then create it
if( null == get_page_by_title( $title ) ) {
// Set the post ID
$post_id = wp_insert_post(
‘comment_status’ => ‘closed’,
‘ping_status’ => ‘closed’,
‘post_author’ => $author_id,
‘post_name’ => $post_id,
‘post_title’ => $title,
‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
‘post_type’ => ‘post’
// Otherwise, it’ll stop
} else {
// Using -2 to indicate that the page with the title already exists
$post_id = -2;
} // end if
} // newvid_create_post
add_filter( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘newvid_create_post’ );
The various calls to this function would look like this:
$post_id = newvid_create_post()
if( -1 == $post_id || -2 == $post_id ) {
And for validation on those pages something like:
<?php $user_ID = get_current_user_id();
$query = “SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE ‘$user_ID’=’$post_author’ AND post_type=’project’ OR post_type=’funder’;
echo “Access Granted.” // I want to put access to the actual media here
echo “No Access” // I am looking to put the redirect to the payment page for access here which // will insert them into the table as a “funder”.
If anyone has any thoughts at all or can point me in the right direction I would be really grateful.
]]>I can’t find any plugin which would add this feature. I was thinking of some sort of front-end editor plugin, but no luck so far. Have you ever heard of anything like this?
]]>What i have is a custom menu (which i need to use because of the template i use).
In this menu i want to have an item named “by category”. When hovering over this item it should present an alphabetical list of all my categories.
I know how to create a menu item and add all categories manually. But i want this menu always to have all categories automatically, even when new ones are created.
I also know about the funtions get_categories and so on, but since i dont want to have the menu item “by category” at the end of the menu, but on place 2, meaning “between” items of the custom menu, adding this manually to the template is no option for me.
So, how can i add a menu item with an “auto created” submenu of all my categories?
Thanks a lot in advance
I am trying to achieve that on load of user-new.php the password is created randomly and gets prefilled. To achieve that I have the following code inside my custom admin plugin:
global $pagenow;
if ($pagenow == "user-new.php") {
wp_enqueue_script('modify-new-user-create-form-js', plugins_url('/js/role-cca_modify_new_user_create_form.js', __FILE__));
The js is loaded properly and inside it I have the following lines:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $passwordField1 = $('#pass1');
var $passwordField2 = $('#pass2');
var randomPW = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8);
Sadly the fields are not filled with the vaule. If I assign the value to a non-password input field it works. So seems to me that wordpress core is denying an automated password insert via javascript for security reasons!? Is that guess right and is there a way to achieve what I want?
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Kool
]]>I was wondering whether this plugin can already or is planned to be, able to integrate with OpenLibary plugin. It seems this plugin is only for inputting book data you have on hand.
I feel it’d be easier if users could search OpenLibrary, and have the book meta data pulled from OpenLibrary and used to prepopulate the BookReviewLibrary fields.
Or perhaps automate the entire process by importing a list of ISBN numbers.