I’ve noticed recently when I go to make changes in html, save, then leave the page and return, the changes aren’t kept.
I have disabled all plugins, changed to twenty fifteen (twenty sixteen wasn’t there for some reason).
From there I went to:
Pages > selected an existing page > “text”, not “visual” > added
> saved
I then clicked on “visual”, then back to “text” and the
code wasn’t there anymore.
Could someone tell me please what’s happening? It was only recent this issue happened – possibly since I up updated to the new WordPress, I really don’t know.
]]>I am trying to span images across the entire page, but because WordPress automatically inserts <p> before each line break, I am unable to do so.
I have tried the following code which I found online:
//filter the <p> tags from the images and iFrame
function filter_ptags_on_images($content)
$content = preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<a .*>)?\s*(<img .* \/>)\s*(<\/a>)?\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1\2\3', $content);
return preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<iframe .*>*.<\/iframe>)\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1', $content);
add_filter('the_content', 'filter_ptags_on_images');
I am having no success with it though. Can someone help?
Here is a link: https://moviemezzanine.com/full-width-image-layout-testing/
]]>I found this code in a plugin called WP-Unformatted.
// disable auto-p
remove_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’);
// add conditional auto-p
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wp_sponge’);
// disable texturize
remove_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wptexturize’);
// add conditional texturize
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wp_sandpaper’);
If I add some custom fields to the post in WordPress it disables these options across the whole site but I don’t want them disabled for the live site (because it is screwing up the formatting), only when making the calls through the JSON-API.
]]>I am writing some custom PHP scripts for a client who would like it displayed on a WordPress page. On their WordPress installation, I’ve installed the plugin Allow PHP in posts.
The PHP script in question does what most code does: queries a table from a database, plays with the result and prints it in a orderly fashion. It also uses some JavaScript as to access the Google Maps API and display a map.
WordPress’ auto formatting often adds unnecessary paragraph (p) and line break (br) tags to the text. While this isn’t very problematic to regular text that needs to be read, it is causing syntactical errors in the JavaScript portion. (I have the JavaScript being ‘displayed’ by a PHP echo to minimize the amount of times its executed, and to ensure the correct variables are always called.)
I have already disabled WordPress’ auto formatting in the theme’s functions.php file, I have include()’d WordPress’ API in the script and disabled the auto formatting there too, as well as tried a few anti-autoformatting plugins (often requiring the use of a custom field) but have not gotten the predicted results.
The code is being executed by the Allow PHP in posts (using eval() ) but the raw code does not exist in the post, but rather is being include()’d in the post.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to disable WP from auto formatting that text?
]]>When I try to do this manually with the visual editor, by selecting the content and clicking the link icon, WordPress removes the link that i’ve just put in and nothing happens. I know this is to do with the ‘semantic’ rules of WordPress but i’m using HTML5, which permits the use of the ‘a’ tag in this way.
I don’t want to disable auto-formatting because the administrator for the website is not so hot with HTML. How else could I get this functionality to work?
]]>Take a look on my page: sccm.haas.se
There’s a link that says “According to Microsoft” <line break> … I don’t want it to do a linebreak and there’s nothing in the HTML-code that tells it to do it either.
I’ve tried plugins like “WP-No-Format” that disables autoformatting and that removes the line break but makes the text look funny (not the same font as the rest) instead.
How can this be so hard. I don’t get it.
]]>Thanks so much in advance.
<h3 style="text-align: center;"><a rel="vidbox 640 505" href="[movie url]"><img class="aligncenter" src="[thumb url]" alt="" width="300" height="168" /></a></h3>
<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: small;"><strong>[Title]</strong></span>[Name]</p>
]]>I just started using WP and am very bothered by the auto-formatting of my posts. I wanted to make a post demonstrating some jQuery techniques but I couldn’t get the code to execute in my post. I also couldn’t find a good way to remove the auto-formatting for just a section of my post. The inline-javascript plugin seemed to work but it messed up existing posts that were using the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin to display sourcecode.
So I wrote this plugin to try and solve the problem. As far as I can tell it works, but I’ve never written a wordpress plugin before so I would LOVE any feedback.
Some specific questions I have…
Plugin Info
WP-Raw can be downloaded here (if people actually start using it I’ll make a proper home for it)
To use the plugin just wrap whatever text you don’t want wpautop() and wptexturize() applied to in a [raw] shortcode, like [raw]this[/raw].
Note: There’s a real-world example in the docs.txt in the download.
[ Moderator Note: Using a raw shortcode or shortcodes that remove auto formatting will cause plugin incompatibility and prevent you from using any other shortcodes. See https://theandystratton.com/2011/shortcode-autoformatting-html-with-paragraphs-and-line-breaks for more information. ]
]]>Basically I podcast several times a week and would love to have an automated process for just dumping files onto the server and have WordPress auto format and insert the links.
ANY Jedi/Ninja’s out there know how this could be accomplished?
Thank you.
Chuck Lindsey
]]>Other than that I would like to keep the wysiwyg editor since the end user of the site is not exactly tech savvy and it works quite well for simple formatting such as links, bolds, italics, images and etc.
Is there a way to only prevent the wysiwig editor from making <span style=”font-family”> without having to write through the code view?