GMB Page:,lf_ui:14&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=APwXEddieLP0r3iNs35gc9LCmk2eEA0QnA:1680794585606&q=tofino+whale+watching&rflfq=1&num=10&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3otzhx5X-AhVGAzQIHT14AUcQjGp6BAgiEAI&biw=1685&bih=815&dpr=2.28#rlfi=hd:;si:16407286189951291832,a;mv:[[49.1549525,-125.89440080000001],[49.1496454,-125.9091364]]
I have a seven step program that I want to publish. I want the first step to be posted on the first of every month, the second on the second, the third on the third, etc.
How can I make posts automatically post on the selected dates?
]]>First of all cngratulate you for such a versatile and useful plugin. Being able to manually decide the posts or letting the algorithm decide it’s great.
The problem with the automatic ones it’s that it lists even the one that aren’t available yet, the ones scheduled in the future. Visitors can even read those posts following the links!
Thanks in advance
]]>is it possible?