I just installed Polylang. And everything is working. I have installed it in the widget sidebar1 but the flags are not showing on my pages. Can anybody help me with this?
My other question is, is it possible to move the flags to the top right of the page above the navigation?
With kind regards
]]>But I have a problem, now that i’m so close to finish.
I have the language switcher in the head menu, and it redirects me to the frontpage of the language selected, instead of the page I’m in at that moment.
The weird thing is that in one language (english) it works perfectly, but in spanish and french it happens what I am describing.
I’m a little lost here and maybe I could use some help :_(
This is the website
Thanks in advance!!
]]>It looks like a really bad start for me… i have just activate the plugin on my wordpress template “Avada”. I went directly to the setting and started adding a few languages, but each time i try to do so i have a “Impossible to add the language.” popping in red at the top of my page!
Does anyone know why and how i could fix it? Polylang seems like a great plugin so i thought i’ll try to fix the issues before deactivating it!
Hopefully this will be usefull to someelse too!
]]>J’ai installé le template Avada (Themeforest) et mis en place mon arborescence. J’ai deja travaillé avec votre extension que je trouve formidable et avec laquelle je n’ai pas rencontré de problèmes (template The 7 chez Themeforest).
Cependant, cette fois pas de soucis avec la partie FR, mais dès que je passe sur la partie GB, le logo ne s’affiche plus, et les paramètres ne sont plus pris en compte. Après quelques tests, il semble que cela se joue dans réglages/langues/reglages/Modifications des adresses web car lorsque je modifie ces réglages, le probleme se répercute sur la partie fran?aise également.
Pouvez-vous m’aiguiller svp ? Merci pour votre aide et bonne journée !
]]>The dropdown language switcher in my website stopped working after upgrading from 1.7.12 to 1.8.2. Two strange facts:
– It works when not using the dropdown option.
– Using the dropdown option, it only works when translating from en to pt, but not the other way around. This is the code I’m using:
<?php if (function_exists ("pll_the_languages")){ ?>
<ul><?php pll_the_languages(array('dropdown'=>1));?></ul>
<?php } ?>
I tried to debug it and discovered that the translation_url attribute in the $links object (in include\switcher.php) is always null, and that’s why the script is not working.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Once installed and addes language, when access to Home Page
Re directs to
]]>I have two languages English and French.
My problem is that when I am in English language and move to any pages from my navigation menu, and switch to in French it will lead me to right translated page. But from French I switch to English I took me alway default home/front page. it couldn’t find English translated page from French.
I have used this code to put link in header section.
<?php $translations = pll_the_languages(array(‘hide_current’=>1)); ?>
I have also tried it giving language switcher in menu and also from widget, but same result.
]]>The current status is that I can switch from En -> Fr (corresponding translated pages)
But when I try to change from FR -> EN, the language selector link take me to HOMEPAGE.
Did I miss anything? Is there a setting that I have accidently changed?
I have an issue where I can find the HREFLANG that started appearing on my Google Search Console. It started showing no return tags for the FR_CA version. I checked the French Version of the website and didn’t find any return tags
Note: All pages are correctly translated and point to their corresponding pages.
So on my root homepage (the English version I find the below tags:
<link rel=”alternate” href=”https://www.mydomain.com/” hreflang=”en-CA” />
<link rel=”alternate” href=”https://www.mydomain.com/fr/” hreflang=”fr-CA”/>
On the French version, there is none.
Could you please advise on this issue?
]]>I cecked the settings and the ” force open homepage” is unchecked.
How can i fix?