The author writes a lot about the subject of the why’s and whatnots of the purpose of the alt tag and its relevant importance but seems to ignore the fact that every image should have a meaningful description or none at all.
Didn’t work for me…
Perhaps they will address it and give this plugin more ability and then it could be worth a second look imho.
]]>Serious problem (SEO)
Disappearing titles (in post): h1
In last update
]]>Better not update.
How to go back to the previous version?
Visits go down with this plugin
]]>Which is completely absurd as there’s no single image inside NGG Gallery that would include mountains, or any tag whatsoever.
I’ve disabled (noindex) all ngg related elements via Yoast SEO but find it impossible to remove that url from search results.
Any help appreciated.
]]>$content .= '<img class="image-0" src="' . $module->bgimage . '" alt="' . $module->bgimage . '" />';
now alt tag is my full adress and name of the image, is there a way to get the alt tag of an image from wordpress with the full adress of it? or is there a way around that?
Thank you very much, hope someone can help me, because this is pretty bad SEO for a page designed with only images on mind and no, or little written word. Thanks again and have a nice day!!