We have recently noticed a ‘new’ feature showing up in WP Editor, when making a link there is this balloon box that shows up with the url.
It has a edit, and a x, clicking the x does not make the balloon go away instead it deletes the url.
Thanks, Mike
]]>How to I get rid of the bubbles/balloons for comments and change it to the bottom of the page location? I know nothing about coding, so I really, really hope it doesn’t require me to do coding.
my blog is at www.brianthiem.com/blog
]]>As I’m quite a newbie when it comes to PHP, maybe some of you could help me with that .. But first PLEASE don’t mind my poor English, I’m French, you know we are douchebags in speaking English.
I’m currently working on a self-hosted website using the “Balloons” theme. Until now it has been really flexible and great. But it seems I cannot make the categories’ description appear And there’s no “category.php” file or so in the theme’s files, so I don’t really know where I’m supposed to add any code.
And you won’t like answering to this post because for the moment I’m hosting my website on a local server as I’m still building it. Sorry. If anyway you need me to show some code or so, just tell.
Thank you !
I have a new shape that I want to replace the them with – please let me know if you know how to do this. Thanks!
]]>Her site:
New site:
I’m running into an issue where the posts are using individual/unique class names:
<img class=”size-medium wp-image-608″ title=”Easy Mushroom Rice Recipe” src=”https://vreino.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/mushroomrice-3.jpg?w=300&h=300″ alt=”” width=”300″ height=”300″>
so I can’t target them and attach the border and correct centering margin.
For some reason the wordpress version of this theme uses css that hot links to a CSS file somewhere else.
The WordPress Self-Hosted Version is missing these Layout properties in the layout.css file.
Any suggestions on how to target ALL post pictures?
Do I need to build functionality into the post/image section of word-press?
Dean M.
I’ve been searching, unsuccessfully, for some sort of function that can be called in a category page and that returns the numeric ID corresponding to that category. After a great deal of brain-wracking, I finally resorted to modifying wp-includes/functions.php by adding the following function, which I based on is_category:
function fetch_category_id() {
global $wp_query;
if ( !$wp_query->is_category )
return false;
$cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
return $cat_obj->cat_ID;
This does just what I need, but it seems so simple in retrospect that it’s hard to believe WP doesn’t already have something like it. Have I reinvented the wheel?