I am trying to setup remote backup using Amazon S3 remote storage method, with Amazon China, Beijing region.
The S3 access key and S3 access secret used are correct, as they are used with other plugins and have been confirmed several times.
An Access point is present in Amazon S3 bucket, and access is set to “Objects can be public” on both the bucket level and the Access point level.
Whether the S3 location exists or not yields the same result.
Storage class is set to “Standard”.
Wether Server-side encryption is checked yields the same result.
When testing the connection, a failure alert is triggered:
We could not successfully access or create such a bucket. Please check your access credentials, and if those are correct then try another bucket name (as another S3 user may already have taken your name).
The error reported by S3 was: Aws\S3\Exception\InvalidAccessKeyIdException: AWS Error Code: InvalidAccessKeyId, Status Code: 403, AWS Request ID:[obfuscated], AWS Error Type: client, AWS Error Message: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records., User-Agent: aws-sdk-php2/2.8.31 Guzzle/3.9.3 curl/7.58.0 PHP/7.3.18-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1′
Browsing the code of the file methods/s3.php
, I tried and added the following on line 1203 to force the region:
$storage->setRegion( 'cn-north-1' );
When testing the connection in this case, a success alert is triggered:
S3 settings test result: Success: Region: cn-north-1: We accessed the bucket, and were able to create files within it. The communication with Amazon S3 was encrypted.
It seems the region does not get set properly. Are there any front-end settings to set the AWS region instead of relying on auto-detection? If not, is it a known issue?
Please advise.
]]>Would it be possible to add Beijing to the list of cities under Timezone in General Settings in the Dashboard?
Although Shanghai is a pretty big city by itself and it’s quite nice too, Beijing still is the capital of China!
On top of that, there are no official timezones in China, so it would make a lot more sense to put the capital of the country in the list, as you do with almost every other country.
Thanks in advance!