When I create a translation for a Header Template in Betheme and save, the template is used for the entire site, not only the selected language. I tried multiple times to save the English template, but it will always be used for my standard language (Italian) aswell. How can I make sure the Header is used for the correct language only?
It would be great if anyone with the same issue could help us here.
]]>Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in?/var/www/orbitanalytics.com/site/wp-admin/includes/update.php?on line?568
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8192 bytes) in /var/www/orbitanalytics.com/site/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 2608
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/orbitanalytics.com/site/wp-content/plugins/query-monitor/dispatchers/WP_Die.php on line 39
Hello! I get this error when trying to edit the header of the Betheme template, can I disable freesoul in the backend so that I don’t get this type of error? Or what can I do so that this doesn’t happen and I can edit my header without having to disable Advanced DB Cleaner.
Warning: Undefined variable $pArr in …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php on line 131
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php on line 131
Warning: Undefined variable $pArr in …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php on line 131
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php on line 131
Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: dirname(): Argument #2 ($levels) must be greater than or equal to 1 in …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php:131 Stack trace: #0 …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php(131): dirname(”, -1) #1 …wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): {closure}(‘rewrite_rules’, Array, ”) #2 …wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #3 …wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 …wp-includes/option.php(537): do_action(‘update_option’, ‘rewrite_rules’, Array, ”) #5 …wp-includes/class-wp-rewrite.php(1867): update_option(‘rewrite_rules’, ”) #6 …wp-includes/rewrite.php(282): WP_Rewrite->flush_rules(false) #7 …wp-content/themes/betheme/visual-builder/visual-builder.php(90): flush_rewrite_rules(false) #8 …wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): mfnvb_init_vb(1858) #9 …wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #10 …wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #11 …wp-admin/post.php(363): do_action(‘post_action_mfn…’, 1858) #12 {main} thrown in …wp-content/mu-plugins/eos-deactivate-plugins.php on line 131
]]>I would like to add a custom icon in addition to the ones in the Default and Font Awesome libraries.
Like the icons created through fontello, for example. I’ve already managed to insert custom icons to WordPress and use them in Elementor, but I can’t select these icons when selecting icons, from the cart, for example, in BeTheme’s options.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I would like to change the position of the cart, from its current location in the center of the screen, below the logo, to the top left corner, opposite and aligned to the hamburger menu, with the wish list icon (heart) appearing on its right side, as shown in the image: https://snipboard.io/AYqxlL.jpg
Thanks in advance!
]]>Link do skórki: https://muffingroup.com/betheme/
]]>Thank you in advance, regards.
]]>I don’t know if it was an update, but before those giant arrow buttons didn’t appear next to the stories, and it was an ok size to read.
Now even removing the width and height, the stories do not increase at all…
I use BeTheme and BeBuilder as page builder.
It seems this css class messes with the configuration from our theme BeTheme. We were wondering which is the impact of this css class and if its something that can be fixed or removed.