I tried to setup android app with “Androapp – Native Android mobile app for wordpress site” plugin. Had to fix “loading files” issue and “add_filter( 'bgmp_map-shortcode-called', '__return_true' );
” seamed to work – now I get no “loading files” error, but still map does not show up. Please help with any clues
This is David from the WPML compatibility team.
When your plugin is used together with WPML we can translate placemarks.
But there is a problem, because all placemarks in all languages are listed together, no matter what the selected language is.
The solution is easy, we need to pass the suppress_filters=false
argument to the placemarks query. These lines do the job for anyone who runs into this:
add_filter( 'bgmp_get-map-placemarks-query', 'bgmp_adjust_placemarks_query' );
function bgmp_adjust_placemarks_query( $q ) {
$q['suppress_filters'] = false;
return $q;
Would you include this in a future release to provide a smoother experience with WPML?
This problem was reported in our support forum:
Is it a known issue that the page builder does not work with basic google maps placemarks?
Page with page builder (error)
Page without layout builder (working)
Is there a workaround possible or fix available?
I know this is an issue of the basic google maps placemarks plugin, but still worth a shot to ask here.
I’m asking since I don’t get a working map with the siteorigin widgets bundle plugin. It used to work but turned gray all of a sudden:
Thanks in advance
]]>Is it a known issue that the plugin does not work hand in hand with Siteorigin page builder plugin? https://nl.www.ads-software.com/plugins/siteorigin-panels/
Page with layout builder (error)
Page without layout builder (working)
Is there a workaround possible or fix available?
]]>I’m using WPML for my website and I can translate placemarks with WPML.
But unfortunately map can’t understand the difference between locations and their language, I keep getting all the locations in maps of all the languages, indifferently.
I’m using the shortcode to display the map. Do you have any idea to help me.
Thank you very much.
]]>I wanted to test that it was indeed the 4.4 update that was the change and managed to recreate this issue there after only updating WP.
Is there a way we can fix this?
Thank you in advance!
]]>I try to have a function which returns closest places of given category.
After some googling, I managed to construct SQL query that sorts by distance, but I can’t incorporate bgmp_category taxonomy into it.
Any idea how can I specify category in this query? I think this is common request, so I wonder what others came up with & what’s the right way.
Or can the getMapPlacemarks() function be altered to sort by distance (from given coords)?
Thank you for any idea!
4 $nearbyPlaces = $wpdb->get_results(·
6 bgmp_latitude.post_id,
7 bgmp_latitude.meta_key,
8 bgmp_latitude.meta_value,
9 bgmp_longitude.meta_value,
10 ((ACOS(SIN($lat * PI() / 180) * SIN(bgmp_latitude.meta_value * PI() / 180) + COS($lat * PI() / 180) * COS(bgmp_latitude.meta_value * PI() / 180) * COS(($long - bgmp_longitude.meta_value) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515) AS distance,
11 wp_posts.post_status as status
13 wp_postmeta AS bgmp_latitude
14 LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta as bgmp_longitude ON bgmp_latitude.post_id = bgmp_longitude.post_id
15 INNER JOIN wp_posts ON wp_posts.ID = bgmp_latitude.post_id
16 WHERE bgmp_latitude.meta_key = 'bgmp_latitude' AND bgmp_longitude.meta_key = 'bgmp_longitude'
17 HAVING distance < $distance AND status = 'publish'
18 ORDER BY distance ASC
19 LIMIT $pageSize OFFSET $offset;"
20 );
]]>I’m using BGMP with a shortcode on a page, and I’d like to style it with a code from Google’s Styled Maps Wizard.
Is there anybody who knows how to do this? Maybe even without changing BGMP’s function.js but using either the shortcode or the functions.php of the WordPress Theme?
Best regards!
]]>I’ve installed your plugin and added the shortcode to my page but it just does not appear. I do not get any errors but the page just does not show it.
I have added a custom code in (default.php) to put the do_shortcode in a div. But even when I take the shortcode out of that it doesnt work here is the code:
if( has_shortcode( $post->post_content, ‘bgmp-map’ ) ) {
echo “<div id=’google-map’>”;
echo do_shortcode(“[bgmp-map]”);
echo “</div>”;
echo ‘<div class=”locations”>lots of different locations</div>’;
The page on wich bgmp doesn’t work is: https://www.fysergo.nl/fysergo/fysarbo-netwerk/
The only thing it does show is my list of locations but the BGMP does not show.
For testing purposes added a new page and for some reason it does show there:
Does anyone has some tips or anything that I could try?
Thanks in advance!