But on a ‘posts’ page and on individual single posts, where I have shortcodes for single items, it says: “There was a Zotpress error: Zotpress account not found.”
The Reference widget shows up, items are all browsable under ZotPress > Browse, there is only a single account and it is clearly found. Yet every post displays this error. Also holds for any new post I create.
The shortcode I’m using is of the format [zotpress item=”5C5PHSPF”].
Help much appreciated!
]]>What I need is a way to create a page that has advanced citation capabilities such as end/footnotes which can reference links, exhibits, documents, pictures, books, etc.
For example, A first sentence might reference a specific page in a legal case. The next sentence may reference a pdf document that I have in a side bar. The next sentence references a link to 3 different websites in support of the statement. The next sentence references a specific area of a map which is underneath this paragraph. Another sentence references a specific time code of a video either I link to or embedded in a sidebar.
I haven’t been able to find something that really fits this. Even Google scholar is not well developed. I would also like a bibliography/endnotes which show all the citations if possible.
Zotpress, Modern footnotes, etc don’t seem to have enough functionality. Please LMK if you have suggestions. I would prefer either a free plugin or a lifetime plugin or bundle. Please advise. Thanks.
]]>Unlike other blogs with only maybe a dozen citations, almost every line of text in our articles will have citations, sometimes multiple. A 1,500 word article would have 50+ citations.
When I see zotpress, I am concerned that it may only allow you to cite journals or documents that you actually put into the library. Can it cite both to your library as well as externally?
Also, It looks like each of your documents in the library must be a published book, journal, report, etc based on APA style citations. However, some of our documents might be something that is excel spreadsheet, or pdf of an invoice, or picture of a crime scene, or link to a podcast. Some would be docs that we have and some by other sites.
Any recommendations or suggestions would be very helpful. I am very new to this so I thank you.
]]>I have trouble with setting the Citation Style. It’s said that chosen style must be listed in the Zotero Style Repository but if I do so, I’m just getting the spinning wheel. When I choose one of the CSL Styles which are already listed I have no problem. Is there something I can do, or is it a bug?
I am working with Zotpress Version 7.3.2 and WordPress Version 6.1.1.
Thank you in advance!
]]>The bibliography has been compiled using Zotero. I am thinking that I could use the WordPress Citation Importer (https://stephanieleary.com/code/wordpress/wordpress-citation-importer/) to upload it to the site…do you think this could work? Or is there a better plugin/approach for the job?
I am a History PhD student who absolutely cannot code, but I am somewhat familiar with WordPress. Any suggestions for how to build this bibliography as simply as possible are very welcome!
]]>But, when I disconnect from VPN the entries are not grouped by year but merely one long list.
]]>[zotpressInTextBib style=”chicago-annotated-bibliography” sortby=”author” order=”ASC”]
(sidenote: the ‘generate shortcode’ produces sort=’asc’, but as far as I can see it no longer works, so I’ve replaced it with the above, which does seem to??)
As you can see, the entries are preceded by unnecessary and ugly a and b prefixes. Is there a way to remove these?
]]>I have a narrative within which I want go provide a booklist, so bullet points, each of which should have a full-ish citation (name, title, and as much other stuff as possible). I can sort of do this by using shortcodes of the type [zotpress items=”{nnnnn:mmmmmm}” style=”chicago-annotated-bibliography”] in the bullet list…
BUT I would also like these items to be picked up at the bottom of the page along with other cited items, where I have the [zotpressInTextBib style=”chicago-annotated-bibliography” sort=”ASC”] code.
Is that possible without adding, say, another code in the list [zotpressInText …]? (inelegant and also error prone due to duplication).
I’ve included a link to the page where I am trying to do this; see the two bullet lists with book references.
]]>[zotpressInTextBib style=”apa” sortby=”author” sort=”ASC”]
However, for some reason this time, it generates a bibliography where every item is mentioned TWICE. Why am I getting these duplicates?
Thank you for your help!