Many Thansk
]]>I’m going to be selling digital downloads, and don’t need it.
Thank you so much for the support!!
]]>Is it possible to delete this checkbox and text in billing section? As I am putting company details for customers and if accidentally they click on it, all details will disappear.
Thanks in advance! Amazing plugin!
]]>On a checkout page by default there is a shipping address checkbox (ship to different address? and then a checkbox), when you click it, there opens a new fields. Is it possible to do it on billing details, that there would be only text of “billing details”, and if a client wants to change it (as I will be putting their billing information by myself), they will need to click on it to open billing fields. And is it possible to swap them, that firstly would be shipping fields?
Thanks a lot
]]>#1 is it possible somehow get each issued invoice? Are they stored somwhere in plugin or maybe in ftp of website?
#2 is there any wayb to get it from sent emails? Eac hinvociewas somehow sent (via smtp), so somewhere it should be that invocie and meial regestered / saved, or?
Thanks a lot in advance.
But when a registered user buys a product again, why do they have to fill out the country and province again. Especially when all the other information is populated from billing details.
Is there a way to populate the country and province from their billing details.
Please note, there is no physical product to ship that’s why.
]]>I’ve successfully used this code (below), however the fields only change after I refresh the browser page. When the coupon code is applied the “your order” totals are dynamically updated but I can’t get the Billing Details to update.
Is this custom Javascript or can this happen with WC actions?
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' ,'custom_override_checkout_fields' );
function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
global $woocommerce;
$coupon_id = 'cheeks';
if (in_array($coupon_id, $woocommerce->cart->get_applied_coupons())) {
return $fields;
]]>Kind rgds