I don’t understand why there’s a spacer in the Our Service section in the homepage and pattern. Can you explain? Thanks.
]]>I struggled with this issue for quite a while, and I tried to adjust padding and margins, but it didn’t have the desired effect. Also, the whitespace is still there even if the menu bar doesn’t have the logo image in it, so it’s not the logo that’s pushing everything down.
I’m guessing that there’s a CSS solution here, but I don’t know what it is. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Here’s an example of a page without a featured image. Still too much whitespace.
]]>I’ve created a few quizzes and changed a few of the settings but no matter what I try I cannot remove the blank space between the top of an image and the border of quiz. If that makes sense?
Ideally I want to move the image up to fill the blank space that will hopefully also have the answers on the screen without having to physically move the screen up to see all of the answers.
Thanks for your help. Al
Steps Taken:
<main class="wp-block-group is-style-default has-white-color has-text-color has-background has-link-color" style="background-color:#0d2137;padding-top:0;padding-right:var(--wp--preset--spacing--80);padding-bottom:0;padding-left:var(--wp--preset--spacing--80)"><!-- wp:cover {"url":"https://statix.pro/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Data-Analyst-Freelance-Website-in-Purple-Bold-Tech-Style-1.png","id":43,"dimRatio":0,"focalPoint":{"x":0.59,"y":0.67},"minHeight":610,"minHeightUnit":"px","align":"full","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"0","right":"var:preset|spacing|80","bottom":"0","left":"var:preset|spacing|80"},"margin":{"top":"0px","bottom":"0px"}}},"className":"banner-section"} -->
]]>There is blank space in every post I publish. There is big blank space after every post. Please help me in this.
]]>I use compact albums for the photos on my website.
In the last months it worked quiet well. The only problem was a large blank space that was displayed before the galleries of each album.
Screenshot 1:
The update to 3.5.5 version completely destroyed the formatting of the albums. The preview images of the galleries are oddly big now. And in the blank space of every album there is now the name of a completely random gallery that has nothing to do with it!
Please see screenshot 2:
The text “London After Midnight” that displays here is the name of a completely different gallery in a completely different album. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the album it is displayed now. Its the same for every single album on the website now. Gallery names with no connection display randomly.
The downgrade to 3.4.1 broght me to this: Screenshot 3
The nonsense gallery names are gone, but the preview image stays big.
I installed a complete backup of my website now, so that I am back to what I had before the update.
Which update will adress these errors?
When will it be safe to update from 3.4.1. without having “side effects” like this?
On my website there is a blank space between the menu and my first banner. there isn’t any titel because i don’t need it. Is it possible to remove the empty space and have directly the banners on the top ?