Under Settings > Reading, “Your latest posts” has to be selected in order for the home page to display the front page elements, which is what I want.
However, how do I display blog posts on a page I created entitled “Blog”? Or, how do I add a static page for my front page/ home page?
If I select Your homepage displays – Your latest posts, the home page displays the Smart Home Automation elements, but the Blog page does not display my blog posts.
I want to use the blog-grid-layout template to display my blog posts. When Static Page is selected for homepage, I can select the “Blog” page for Posts page. This displays the blog posts in a grid, but the number of posts to display only shows 3.
Also, I deleted the date from the blog-grid-layout template, but the date still shows in the grid.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
]]>I just installed WP Last Modified Info plugin to show the updated date on all updated blog posts I update. But it’s not showing the updated date anywhere, just the original published date (2021).
My question is: is there anything on ColorMag theme that could be blocking the updated date feature? Or it must be something else (another plugin interference, etc.)?
I appreciate any insight on this issue.
Thank you,
]]>the above website is largely blog, but this has been Place holder. I have just added a sticky post at the top of my blog – a clickable world map. This is intended to stay here from now on.
How can I remove the date from the post? It will increasingly look like the website isn’t being updated. I don’t want to remove dates from all blog entries (I’ve found several explanations as to how to do this, generally through a plugin) just this one.
it is the only one of its kind, so I have put it in its own blog post category, but this didn’t change anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>We are in the process of updating some of the content on our website. Most of our posts consist of supporting content for our podcast episodes (actual written articles, not merely a list of things we mention on the show).
In updating these posts, we want to update the publish date of the blog post to show that the content is current. However, we’re finding that this resubmits the podcast included in the post…so it moves to the top of the RSS feed and as such now shows as the most recent episode of the podcast (when, in fact, the episode itself is from last year).
This messes up the order in general because our episodes are numbered (we have 362 episodes so far), and also messes with our promoting (when we talk about the most recent episode on our social media channels, but then it doesn’t show at the top of our itunes feed).
Is there a way to update the date of the blog post containing the podcast episode WITHOUT resubmitting it to the feed? Thanks in advance.
]]>I am wondering if there is an easy way to add a “Last Updated” date to my blog posts without customizing the theme. I’d like for both users and Google search to know when a post was originally posted but also when, if at all, a post was last updated.
If this functionality is not available, does anyone know the process to request functionality be added to the next release of the theme?
Thank you!
]]>I don’t want my blog post date shown in Google Serps. But I want to keep blog post dates in my theme posts.
At the moment I use this code which I have put in my functions.php
function mb_remove_post_date() {
add_filter('the_time', '__return_false');
add_filter('the_date', '__return_false');
add_filter('the_modified_date', '__return_false');
add_action('loop_start', 'mb_remove_post_date');
But this code is not perfect because now also my blog post date is not shown anymore.
Please help or advise.
Thank you
]]>This is the code I have to use to drop the site header down on smaller screens but that also means there is unusually large space between the blog title and date.
@media screen and (max-width: 550px) {
h1:not(.site-title),h1:not(.site-title) a,.font-header {
font-size: 5rem;
margin-top: 70px;
If I change the margin-top to 10px, it reduces the space between the title and date however my site header disappears on the top of the page on small screens.
Suggestions on fixing this?