I want users to be able to click the blog button and then within the blog section have different sections where they can choose the category of which topic the blog post is about. For example, they click blog and then from there they have options to go to the marketing, mindset, and other section. Instead, it’s all in one area. Can anyone give me any direction on this? Thanks
]]>So far this plugin is super awesome and working perfect!
The only thing I am concerned about the ERROR displayed by Google Structured Data Testing Tool for the Rich Snippets item markup “Blog Posting”
It is required to declare Publisher name and the Logo URL when we select Item Type = Blog Posting.
I have given the Publisher name and the Logo URL, but it is not appearing in the Structured Data Testing Tool.
It gives me an error: A value for the URL field is required.
Here is the code snippet: You can see the Logo URL has the blank field.
Kindly help me for this.
]]>Any suggestions?
(I have a featured image on the blogpost)
]]>One is for image [ImageObject] and it says “The attribute image.width has an invalid value.”
Second one is for logo [ImageObject] and it says The attribute logo.height has an invalid value.
How can I fix those errors? Thanks
]]>I have it set to be the posts page in the reading section. I have installed this plugin: https://github.com/billerickson/display-posts-shortcode/wiki
And still, nothing. This theme has had some customization that I didn’t work on. I just don’t know how to bring back the functionality the customizations took away.
]]>Also when viewing the newest individual blog post it only shows the header: https://integrityomaha.com/why-a-roofer-with-integrity-matters/ but on previous posts its show the entire page: https://integrityomaha.com/omaha-roofing-company-beats-out-of-town-chasers/
Categories are also only showing header: <a href=”https://integrityomaha.com/category/blog/
Any suggestions?
]]>Does anyone know how to add photo’s so that more can be selected, or you can choose a different thumbnail?
Also, does anyone know/have a link to some best practices for implementing facebook to a wordpress blog?
Thank YOU!
]]>I am new to WordPress and I have a new site with a theme that is designed to work for WordPress for blogging, etc. What I am wanting to do is to be able to make a blog post and it contain all of the information on the main page but I was told me the designer it was not possible. He says that you have to go into your blog post and add a custom field called “intro” and in the value field type the message then you click read more to see the rest of the content. What is happening is I make a post and try using a different intro compared to the blog body message and when I update the intro text is on my homepage but no content when you click read more. Is there a way that the into thing can be automated or would the excerpt option be better if I am even on the right page? My website is if someone wouldn’t mind to take a look and let me know if there is an option I can do that would help make this easier for me.
Thank you.