I′m having error in the blog page of this web. But if I go to the post, for example this: /blog/prueb/ is perfect.
Ant idea how I can fix it?
]]>I would like to remove the underline feature in the heading of the posts. If you check the blog roll, you will see all the headings have been underlined except for the most recent article. Please help me remove the underline feature and only have each of the posts show a blue color when you mouse over them. Thanks in advance.
]]>I need some help with this:
There’s one post that doesn’t get its excerpt shown on the blog roll page.
All the other posts do get their excerpt shown, but the top one on https://growingmindfulness.nl/blog/ doesn’t.
I tried everything (some excerpt plugins, some excerpt length code in functions.php) and even something as simple as a manual excerpt doesn’t show.
I don’t get it because there’s nothing much different from this post as all the other posts.
Any tips anyone?
When viewed on desktop, my blog roll has images to the left and copy to the right which works perfectly. However, on some mobile devices, because of certain widths, the majority of the copy sits underneath the featured image, which is great, but if the copy begins with a word that is something like 3 letters long, this sneaks up to the right of the image and looks bad. Is there a way I can centre the featured image on mobile devices only so this doesn’t happen?
]]>How can I add an outline or border to the post excerpt that displays in the blog roll? The outline would go around both the image and excerpt.
]]>How are they doing this?
]]>May I know how to remove the categories, tags and comments count on the blog excerpts?
Thank you.