I upgraded to WordPress 2.6 last week and the upgrade seemed to go flawlessly. My content was in order but I didn’t immediately test a new blog post until tonight. I use Blogjet to post updates to my Blog and I receive the error:
“Some images have not been uploaded. Do you want to post the text anyway?”
My post is a single JPG image along with a couple paragraphs of text – nothing crazy. I can confirm that communication with my ISP hosted WordPress setup is working fine from an account authentication standpoint – plain texts posts fine.
I did some reading in the FAQ and forums about WordPress 2.6 turning off some of the blogging API’s by default. I figured this was the problem but according to what I have in place everything looks to be enabled:
Remote Publishing
To post to WordPress from a desktop blogging client or remote website that uses the Atom Publishing Protocol or one of the XML-RPC publishing interfaces you must enable them below.
Atom Publishing Protocol Atom Publishing Protocol Enable the Atom Publishing Protocol.
XML-RPC XML-RPC Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.
Any ideas on other things I should try? I continue to scan the forums and the knowledge but so far I am running out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Since the update to 2.0 anyone using programs like blogjet, post2blog or ecto
have suddenly found that the new 2.0 doesnt work well with them.
Blogjet, you do your post in it. and put the extended entry LINE ( more tag ) in it. and then upload.. everything uploads ok and displays EXCEPT the more tag. ( it has been removed by wordpress )
I asked blogjet support they said, its not us its wordpress.. they need to fix it ?
Post2blog – Since 2.0 you can not upload images the way you could before, You cannot use post2blogs insert chitika or insert adsense into post.. what happens is.. when you create a post and upload it.. 2.0 blog doesnt show the image as it never got uploaded, and adsense plus chitika dont display in your post.
Post2blogs support response was : we are waiting for 2.01 as that is when it will be fixed. Basically its wordpress not us.. and we cant fix it as its not our issue.
So question is.. Who the bloody hell issue is it? as Im pretty sure wordpress is going to turn around and say.. Well its not our issue.. we dont make out software to be compatible with every software on the market.. they have to make it compatible with us.
So…. who is the culprit?
]]>1. when you add in the more tag all the text below the tag TURNS RED!??? see it here
2. if i use blogjet , post2blog or ecto and put a more tag in.. when i post it removes it.. so i have to go into admin and add it in.?? then i end up with the red thing happening.. HELP
]]>The post doesn’t display, but shows up in the admin pages (I can edit the post), but if I try to view it I get a 404 not found.
Then intermittently (can’t see a pattern) it appears.
Anyone else experiencing this?
]]>There must be a better way. At the least, I’d really like to be able to see the italics without tags while composing, then click a button or something for last minute conversion to html. I tried using Word like this, but it had two pages of header garbage, plus paragraph and page break junk that WP does automatically.
Another annoyance is that I sometimes cross post my entries on a bulletin board that uses “BB code” instead of html, so I have to search and replace <em>
for [i], and so on. If anyone has a way around this, I’d love to hear it.