As additional feature I want to highlight the thumbnail of a special post (here post-14515) giving a thick red border with radius.
I found in a former post on this forum an instruction as additional CSS
.pt-cv-XX a[href=?INSERT_URL_OF_THE_POST_HERE“ ] { }
in my example I tried
.pt-cv-thumbnail a[href=”https://…URL_OF_POST-14515″] {
border: 10px #db3200 solid !important;
border-radius: 7px !important;
But it doesn‘t work.
What‘s the correct CSS code?
As an additional feature I want to hide the thumbnail of one special post (here post ID=14515, the post width an animated gif) on horizontal screens of tablets or on PC screens (displaying widgets on the right side) using css code. The @media function for this screen selection is working well – as example I built in black borders for smartphones and red borders for wide screens (just open the website and turn a tablet 90 degrees).
I tried a variety of css codes using
@media screen and (min-width:55.875em) .post-14515 or .postid-14515 .pt-cv-thumbnail {display: none !important;}
or similar but I didn’t succeed to hide this special post.
What is the correct css code for hiding this special post?
Thanks for your help
]]>I love your theme!
How can i hide the frontpage boxes on bloglist page? I have unchecked the function in customizer > frontpage boxes > Enable Frontpage Boxes on All Pages
But they still appear on bloglist page
]]>here’s what i have to so far…
1. i’m able to get the bloglist menu to show on my site
2. i was able to add some css to the stylesheet to change the color
what i’m not able to figure out is the following..
1. i can’t get a scroll on the drop down list – it’s going to be a long list, i would like to limit it to showing, maybe, 10 items then user needs to scroll and select one
2. i can’t figure out how to force the menu to ‘center’ on the page
3. eliminate ie from destroying the menu (tested on ie 8 and under)
below is the flow to where i am at right now.
/** Display drop-down menu **/
function yd_wpmu_bloglist_dropdown( $echo = TRUE, $params = NULL ) {
$html = '';
if( $echo && $echo !== TRUE && $params === NULL ) {
// shift parameters
$params = $echo;
$echo = TRUE;
$dd = preg_replace( '/<a href=/', '<option value=', yd_list_all_wpmu_blogs( $params ) );
//$dd = preg_replace( '/title="[^"]*"/', '', $dd );
$dd = preg_replace( '|</a>|', '</option>', $dd );
$html .= $dd;
if( isset( $echo ) && $echo !== FALSE ) {
echo $html;
} else {
return $html;
/** Javascript for drop-down **/
function yd_wpmubl_dropdown_js() {
<script>function ddjump(o){document.location=o.options[o.selectedIndex].value;}</script>
/** Display inside content **/
function yd_wpmubl_generate( $content ) {
if (strpos($content, "[!YDWPMUBL]") !== FALSE) {
$content = preg_replace('/<p>\s*\[!(.*)\]\s*<\/p>/i', "[!$1]", $content);
$content = str_replace('[!YDWPMUBL]', yd_display_wpmu_bloglist( FALSE ), $content);
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'yd_wpmubl_generate');
<?php yd_wpmubl_dropdown_js(); ?>
<select name="select" id="select" class="dropdown" onChange="ddjump(this);">
<option selected="selected"><?php _e('Network Shortcuts - Select a Site:'); ?></option>
<?php yd_wpmu_bloglist_dropdown( 'show_count=0' ); ?>
.dropdown {
border:1px solid #48758d;
border-width:0 1px 1px 1px;
so, again, the issues i’m having r the following:
1. i need the drop down to scroll since the blog list may get long
2. the menu needs to be ‘center’ on the page
3. i just tested last night in various browsers, ie 8 and under (haven’t tested 9 yet) its destroying the java used and showing the menu completely outside of the drop down as text only w/ no hyperlinks (it looks bad!)
i looked, read, and read some more, but since it looks like the author used a php to html setup to show the drop down (not sure, that’s what i think it is) i couldn’t find any reasonable comparisons to understand the logic and alter it so it would work for me.
lastly, if u took the time to read this, respond, i’ll already thank you since i want to learn as much as i can, it’s just this one is really putting me back a few steps and it’s frustrating to say the least.
]]>WordPress Support Forum
It still appears that my site is not fetching the thumbnail at blogspot site. Is there any settings in WordPress that can affect the problem?
Thank you
]]>1) I use “WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages” to publish all my postd from child-blog to the parent-blog. It works perfectly fine as expeted with exception that the comments are turned off. So, ppl assume that comments are disabled. which is not the case. Once clicking on the title it takes to the origin post where comments are available. So my concern is change the “Comments Off” to actual number of comments in origin blog. How can this be achieved?
2) I use “YD WPMU Bloglist Widget” plugin to display all the blogs in the network. But this only works as “Show a list of all the WPMU sub-sites”, using the plugin in clild blog does not show the mother blog name. As my blogs are as
So I need a plugin how to display all blogs in a network.
Any help will be appreciated.
]]>Does WPMS come with a built-in directory of all sites created across the network?
Does it also come with a site count and feed showing the latest sites created and the latest post across the network that can be shown on the home page of my main site?
As the super admin, can I configure these features?
Thank you in advance.
]]>1. display a text link
2. display an image along side link
3. add twitter account link for the DJ (or facebook page/myspace)
4. write a small paragraph introducing the DJ
5. Allow registered DJs to manage their own link profile on this page.
6. tag their name so a user can pull up all the songs they have contributed to MashupCiti. (IE, click on DJ Food link, and all his songs are populated).
Is there something out there that can do something like this, or is this a very custom like idea?
I really want something just like this for WordPress– I spent all night looking but found nothing.
Does WordPress have anything like this?