The PROBLEM: I have an error displaying the WordPress Admin panel which displays under ‘INCOMING LINKS’ as follows:
RSS Error: A feed could not be found at A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.
The DESIRED SOLUTION: To clear the error properly without damaging the site.
What I have attempted so far:
Googling an answer.
Contacting my host provider to make sure they are not blocking any RSS feeds.
NOTE: To the best of my knowledge, I’m not using any feeds. This is very baffling to me. Help is appreciated.
Thank you
]]>I did`nt know, that wordpress sends a ping to ping-o-matic every time I edit my texts (I deleted ping-o-matic now because of that).
I edited a lot.
Now none of my texts shows up at google-blogsearch or
I think I was banned by them as a “ping-spammer”.
-Am I correct?
-The website-settings seems correct to me: no robots.txt, and I can add the feed of my site without problems to my feedreader.
My site is
So what can I do, to get my texts un-banned by all the blog-search-engines, which I ping-spammed via ping-o-matic (especially google blogsearch)?
Is banned life-long? Or do they un-ban my texts after a while automatically? If yes: How long do I have to wait?
Thanks for all helpful suggestions!
]]>I have been using Yoast SEO for ages now and am on the whole very happy with it indeed.
It was recently brought to my attention, however, that none of my sites were appearing in the Google Blogsearch results. Being as the two blogs in question (TBW) and (TF) are pretty popular with the former about to turn six years old.
They do quite well in the formal Google search results (thanks to the Yoast SEO plugin no doubt), but Google Blog Search just seems to resolutely refuse to add either site (and I’ve submitted them a few times over the past couple of years).
I am now thinking that the reason for this might well be that Google Blog Search seems to make use of RSS feeds for content rather than sitemaps, and with Yoast SEO making the RSS noindex – it feels like that may be the culprit.
Can anyone else confirm or disprove this for me?
If you are using Yoast’s SEO plugin – is your site available in Google Blogsearch (eg. using the site: operator)?
]]>Google blog search is no longer showing ‘More Results from domain’
Posts appear on Google straight away, and my blog is listed at the top in related blogs, but I’m wondering if a plug-in is causing an indexing issue with More Results.
All in One SEO Pack
Canonical Urls set on
Re-write Urls set on
Use noindex for Categories: unticked
Use noindex for Archives: ticked
Use noindex for Tag Archives: ticked
Seopager : Just pagination
XML Sitemap
Include homepage : ticked
Include posts : ticked
Include following pages of multi-page posts : unticked
Include static pages : ticked
Include categories : ticked
Include archives : unticked
Include tag pages : unticked
Include taxonomy pages for Format : unticked
Include author pages : unticked
No pages excluded