Thanks for your dedication to keeping it up to date
]]>Many Thanks in Advanced
]]>I’m not interested in selling and things like that. Additionally, I needed to be able to automatically import a book’s details via its ISBN. Well, even though this beautiful plugin was probably not created for this, it works perfectly for my needs. There really must be a lot of work behind it.
It takes a bit of patience to understand certain mechanisms (I’m not an expert in coding) and the documentation is minimal (but I don’t reproach the author of the plugin who is always present on the support forum to resolve any doubts). The plugin can probably still improve, but the project is mature and very useful for those who want to deal with books and collections.
My suggestion, for what it’s worth, is to release more general documentation on the use of shortcodes and make more customization of rendering possible (although I suspect that I’m probably the one who doesn’t have much expertise with CSS and such things).
Thank you so much for this wonderful plugin.
]]>Since books are commercial this may be an inappropriate question.
I am looking for recommendations for books. I like physical books.
Best Practices
Good foundation to build on
Beautiful Web Design
And any other subject a beginner might need
]]>Can someone recommend a good book that can be used as a textbook? The school would have no problem getting a class set, but my problem is finding any book (never mind a good book) that covers WP 6.0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Peter
]]>Also works great for us with Elementor.
Highly recommended.