I may have deleted something? I started with the BoomBox theme and am now trying Twenty Twenty. Is there a way to do a reset and start over?
Thank you
I post here for the first time. Hope this is the good forum lol
I need help for update functions that display “rate system” for post_type=post. (using in Boombox thème)
I need this function work for “classic post” (as it work fine with this code), and for post_type=product.
Somebody can help me with this? it would be really really appreciate
* Get Trending Posts
* @param $type
* @param $posts_per_page
* @param array $params
* @return bool|WP_Query
function boombox_get_trending_posts( $type, $posts_per_page, $params = array() ) {
$params = wp_parse_args( $params, array(
'paged' => 1,
'is_grid' => false,
'page_ad' => 'none',
'instead_ad' => 1,
'page_newsletter' => 'none',
'instead_newsletter' => 1,
'page_product' => 'none',
'page_product_position' => 1,
'page_product_count' => 1,
'is_widget' => false,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
) );
static $boombox_trending_query;
if( $params[ 'is_widget' ] ) {
unset( $boombox_trending_query[ $type ] );
if( ! isset( $boombox_trending_query[ $type ] ) ) {
$post_type = 'post' && 'product';
$query = null;
$fake_meta_key = null;
$criteria_name = boombox_get_theme_option( 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_conditions' );
if( 'trending' == $type ) {
$time_range = 'day';
$posts_count = boombox_get_theme_option( 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_posts_count' );
$fake_meta_key = 'boombox_keep_trending';
} else if( 'hot' == $type ) {
$time_range = 'week';
$posts_count = boombox_get_theme_option( 'extras_post_ranking_system_hot_posts_count' );
$fake_meta_key = 'boombox_keep_hot';
} else if( 'popular' == $type ) {
$time_range = 'month';
$posts_count = boombox_get_theme_option( 'extras_post_ranking_system_popular_posts_count' );
$fake_meta_key = 'boombox_keep_popular';
$is_module_active = boombox_module_management_service()->is_module_active( 'prs' );
if( $is_module_active && Boombox_Rate_Criteria::get_criteria_by_name( $criteria_name ) && $job = Boombox_Rate_Job::get_job_by_name( $type ) ) {
$args = array(
'nopaging' => false,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => $params[ 'ignore_sticky_posts' ],
if( -1 != $posts_per_page ) {
$args[ 'posts_per_page' ] = $posts_per_page;
} else {
$args[ 'nopaging' ] = true;
if( $params[ 'paged' ] ) {
$args[ 'paged' ] = $params[ 'paged' ];
$is_adv_enabled = boombox_is_adv_enabled( $params[ 'page_ad' ] );
$is_newsletter_enabled = boombox_is_newsletter_enabled( $params[ 'page_newsletter' ] );
$is_product_enabled = boombox_is_product_enabled( $params[ 'page_product' ] );
if( $is_adv_enabled || $is_newsletter_enabled || $is_product_enabled ) {
Boombox_Loop_Helper::init( array(
'is_adv_enabled' => $is_adv_enabled,
'instead_adv' => $params[ 'instead_ad' ],
'is_newsletter_enabled' => $is_newsletter_enabled,
'instead_newsletter' => $params[ 'instead_newsletter' ],
'is_product_enabled' => $is_product_enabled,
'page_product_position' => $params[ 'page_product_position' ],
'page_product_count' => $params[ 'page_product_count' ],
'skip' => $params[ 'is_grid' ],
'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
'paged' => $params[ 'paged' ],
) );
$rate_query = new Boombox_Rate_Query( $args, $job, $fake_meta_key );
$query = $rate_query->get_wp_query();
} else if( 'most_shared' == $criteria_name || 'recent' === $criteria_name || 'featured' === $criteria_name ) {
$categories = array();
$tags = array();
$is_page_query = true;
$excluded_categories = array();
$is_live = false;
$query = boombox_get_posts_query( $criteria_name, $time_range, array(
'category' => $categories,
'tag' => $tags,
), array(
'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
'post_type' => $post_type,
'paged' => $params[ 'paged' ],
'posts_count' => $posts_count,
'is_grid' => $params[ 'is_grid' ],
'is_page_query' => $is_page_query,
'excluded_categories' => $excluded_categories,
'is_live' => $is_live,
'fake_meta_key' => $fake_meta_key,
) );
if( $query ) {
if( 'trending' == $type ) {
$boombox_trending_query[ 'trending' ] = $query;
} else if( 'hot' == $type ) {
$boombox_trending_query[ 'hot' ] = $query;
} else if( 'popular' == $type ) {
$boombox_trending_query[ 'popular' ] = $query;
return $boombox_trending_query[ $type ];
} else {
return $boombox_trending_query[ $type ];
return false;
* Get trending page id by type
* @param $type 'trending' |'hot' |'popular'
* @return int|mixed
function boombox_get_trending_page_id( $type ) {
$customize_setting_slug = "extras_post_ranking_system_{$type}_page";
$trending_page_id = boombox_get_theme_option( $customize_setting_slug );
return $trending_page_id;
* Return true if is trending page
* @param $type 'trending' |'hot' |'popular'
* @param int $post_id
* @return bool
function boombox_is_trending_page( $type, $post_id = 0 ) {
$is_trending = false;
if( 0 == $post_id ) {
global $post;
if( is_object( $post ) ) {
$post_id = $post->ID;
if( $post_id ) {
$trending_page_id = boombox_get_trending_page_id( $type );
$is_trending = ( $trending_page_id == $post_id );
return $is_trending;
* Check, if post is trending
* @param string $type trending,hot,popular
* @param null|int|WP_Post $post Post
* @return bool
function boombox_is_post_trending( $type, $post = null ) {
$post = get_post( $post );
$time_range = false;
$posts_count = false;
$set = boombox_get_theme_options_set( array(
) );
if( ( 'trending' === $type && ! $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_enable' ] ) || ( 'hot' === $type && ! $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_hot_enable' ] ) || ( 'popular' === $type && ! $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_popular_enable' ] ) ) {
return false;
$is_module_active = boombox_module_management_service()->is_module_active( 'prs' );
if( $is_module_active && Boombox_Rate_Criteria::get_criteria_by_name( $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_conditions' ] ) ) {
$keep_trending = ! ! ( boombox_get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'boombox_keep_' . $type ) );
if( ! $keep_trending && $job = Boombox_Rate_Job::get_job_by_name( $type ) ) {
$keep_trending = Boombox_Rate_Cron::is_post_rated( $job, $post->ID );
return $keep_trending;
if( 'trending' === $type && $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_enable' ] && $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_posts_count' ] ) {
$time_range = 'day';
$posts_count = $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_posts_count' ];
} else {
if( 'hot' === $type && $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_hot_enable' ] && $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_hot_posts_count' ] ) {
$time_range = 'week';
$posts_count = $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_hot_posts_count' ];
} else {
if( 'popular' === $type && $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_popular_enable' ] && $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_popular_posts_count' ] ) {
$time_range = 'month';
$posts_count = $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_popular_posts_count' ];
$is_trending = false;
if( $time_range && $posts_count && in_array( $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_conditions' ], array(
) ) ) {
$cache_key = 'trending_posts_' . md5( json_encode( array( 'type' => $type, 'count' => $posts_count ) ) );
$trending_ids = boombox_cache_get( $cache_key );
if( false === $trending_ids ) {
$trending_ids = array();
$query = boombox_get_trending_posts( $type, $posts_count );
if ( is_object( $query ) && $query->have_posts() ) {
$trending_ids = wp_list_pluck( $query->posts, 'ID' );
boombox_cache_set( $cache_key, $trending_ids );
$is_trending = in_array( $post->ID, $trending_ids );
return $is_trending;
* Return true, if is trending, hot or popular page
* @param int $post_id Page ID to check
* @return bool
function boombox_is_trending( $post_id = 0 ) {
$post_id = absint( $post_id );
if( ! $post_id ) {
$post_id = get_the_ID();
$cache_key = 'is_trending_' . $post_id;
$is_trending = boombox_cache_get( $cache_key );
if( ! $is_trending ) {
$is_trending = false;
if( $post_id && ( boombox_is_trending_page( 'trending', $post_id ) || boombox_is_trending_page( 'hot', $post_id ) || boombox_is_trending_page( 'popular', $post_id ) ) ) {
$is_trending = true;
boombox_cache_set( $cache_key, $is_trending );
return $is_trending;
* Get Trending Navigation Items
* @return array
function boombox_get_trending_navigation_items() {
$set = boombox_get_theme_options_set( array(
) );
$trending_pages = array(
'trending' => array(
'page' => 'trending',
'icon' => $set[ 'extras_badges_trending_icon' ],
'enable' => $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_trending_enable' ],
'hot' => array(
'page' => 'hot',
'icon' => 'hot',
'enable' => $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_hot_enable' ],
'popular' => array(
'page' => 'popular',
'icon' => 'popular',
'enable' => $set[ 'extras_post_ranking_system_popular_enable' ],
$trending_pages_nav = array();
foreach ( $trending_pages as $trending_page_key => $tr_page_options ) {
$page_id = boombox_get_trending_page_id( $tr_page_options[ 'page' ] );
if( $page_id && $tr_page_options[ 'enable' ] ) {
$trending_page = get_post( $page_id );
if( $trending_page ) {
$trending_pages_nav[ $trending_page_key ][ 'id' ] = $page_id;
$trending_pages_nav[ $trending_page_key ][ 'key' ] = $tr_page_options[ 'page' ];
$trending_pages_nav[ $trending_page_key ][ 'href' ] = get_permalink( $trending_page->ID );
$trending_pages_nav[ $trending_page_key ][ 'name' ] = esc_html( get_the_title( $trending_page ) );
$trending_pages_nav[ $trending_page_key ][ 'icon' ] = $tr_page_options[ 'icon' ];
return $trending_pages_nav;
]]>“Error: body {font-family: arial; background: #ffffff; font-size: 8px color: white;}. Check console output for debugging information”