in Germany there is a very widely used cookie consent tool for WordPress. It is called “Borlabs Cookie”.
The cookie banner configuration for Klaviyo took us a relatively long time and we had to adapt the code in the Klaviyo plugin. That wasn’t very user-friendly. It could be much easier.
Borlabs Cookie offers a library in which other WordPress plugins are stored.
You can select a plugin there and then Borlabs Cookie automatically makes the necessary configurations so that possible tracking scripts etc. are only loaded and executed after a user opt-in.
External iframes can also be blocked. This is very practical and saves website operators a lot of time.
I would like to suggest that you get in touch with the makers of Borlabs Cookie and possibly submit a sample configuration.
This would make it much easier for German/EU website operators with a WordPress site to use Klaviyo with a popular cookie consent tool without wasting time manually.
With recent updates, we’ve fine-tuned the configuration of our plugin to work seamlessly with Borlabs Cookies WordPress Plugin. Don’t miss out on our essential guide that outlines the steps to ensure proper integration between the two. Get your maps back up and running flawlessly by setting up the plugin with Borlabs Cookies. Dive into the guide now to stay ahead:
Best Regards
]]>the plugin is not showing any maps anymore since a few days. Can you please help with assistance.
]]>there is already a thread to this topic:
I’m using WP-store-locator with Borlabs Cookie. The Bouncing effect when hovering the search results does not work when using Borlabs Cookie.
Is this a known issue?
]]>Is this a bug since the plugin was updated? How can I get PopUp by Supsystic DSGVO conform, please?
Best, Peter
In the pro features it says “Opt in/ consent compatibility with WP GDPR compliance, borlabs cookies etc.”, how to setup your plugin(pro version) to make it work with borlabs cookie plugin?
Thanks in advance
It may be important that I am using Advanced Custom Fields to display the Google Maps map. I tried to copy this line of code <script>window.BorlabsCookie.unblockScriptBlockerId("google-maps");</script>
Because the Tooltips told me to insert it into the right cookie in Opt-in-Code but this didn’t do the trick.
Thanks for helping!
]]>I really like your plugin, great work! It’s working fine so far, but I have two issues:
So I’ve entered “google-analytics” in the cookie value field in CAOS settings, but this won’t work. I suspect that CAOS looks for the exact value of the specified cookie and not if value is a part of the whole string. So is it possible to use wildcards or something?
detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:8 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
at Object.create_element (detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:8)
at Object.init (detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:8)
at detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:10
create_element @ detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:8
init @ detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:8
(anonymous) @ detect-ad-block.js?ver=3.7.6:10
This happens both with Firefox and Chrome without an AdBlocker enabled. If I enable an AdBlocker (uBlock Origin) the error vanishes. Instead I get another error, but I think thats unrelated and just uBlock blocking the “Stealth Mode Lite” feature:
analytics.js:36 POST net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Any help is appreciated!
ich habe versucht das Plugin einzurichten.
Beim Click auf den Button ?ffnet kurz das Fenster um die Bezahlseite darzustellen, bricht dann ab und landet wieder im Warenkorb.
Ausserdem zerschiesst das Plugin die Kassenseite. Das hei?t, wenn ich mittels “Weiter zur Kasse” gehen m?chte ist die Seitenanzeige zusammengeschrumpft wie auf einem Tablet und man hat keinerlei M?glicheit mehr vor oder zurück zu kommen.
Folgendes habe ich bereits versucht:
Alle Plugins deaktiviert ausser Woocommerce und Papal Plus – unver?ndert!
Das Plugin selbst deaktiviert, gel?scht und neu installiert – unver?ndert!
Germanized H?kchen bei Paketdienstleister enfernt – unver?ndert!
Cache war jedesmal geleert, getestet mit diversen Browsern und verschiedenen Devices.
Momentan habe ich es deaktiviert, damit meine Kunden wenigstens über das klassische Paypal zahlen k?nnen (dieses hatte ich natürlich bei meinen Tests auch deaktiviert!)
Kann mir hierbei jemand weiterhelfen?
Besten Dank.