Right now mine looks like this
Home>All products > category1>category2>item
However, I want it to look like this
eg: Home> category1 > category 2
It worked before with the older yoast versions with the following code
* Remove a link from the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs
* Credit: https://timersys.com/remove-link-yoast-breadcrumbs/
* Last Tested: Mar 12 2017 using Yoast SEO 4.4 on WordPress 4.7.3
add_filter( ‘wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link’ ,’wpseo_remove_breadcrumb_link’, 10 ,2);
function wpseo_remove_breadcrumb_link( $link_output , $link ){
$text_to_remove = ‘Products’;
if( $link[‘text’] == $text_to_remove ) {
$link_output = ”;
return $link_output;
But now it stopped working even when I tried to change the text to All products from products.
]]>All I suggest is that in your display instructions, you post the full code to add to your .php files. You say that all you have to do is add the [flexy_breadcrumb] short code. That’s true if you add it within the editor, but it took me awhile to figure out that to add it to the file itself, you have to add it in this way:
echo do_shortcode( ‘[flexy_breadcrumb]’ );
This little bit of detail won’t be self-evident to some people, so I think you should let them know that this is how you add it. Otherwise, job well done!
]]>I use the Hueman theme and when using your widget I see icons appearing in bread crumb paths and in various menu bars. Is ther anyway I can stop this?
]]>I am trying to figure out how to remove these:
I have custom CSS in my page which is:
ul.breadcrumb.text-left.sm-text-center.text-black.mt-ten {
display: none;
But these still appear.
They were gone before and after theme update this happened.
Can someone help?
]]>How the plans for incorporating Breadcrumbs/Schemas into the Neve theme are moving forward?
A couple of weeks ago Rodica stated, “We are actually planning on adding automatic integration with Yoast’s breadcrumbs the next update for Neve, somewhere next week most likely ”
It will certainly be a great feature to boost your ‘Freemium’front .
Screenshots attached to the topic:
1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1beYAmHmn1HydGJw_M0pjveQn5nonNEI1
2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RhPBR3eTR1qoDlBy_Nj1GLO7FF7grqiw
Website address: https://www.ulovanet.ru/
]]>I have gone through and disabled all plugins to see if it is something else, but identified Yoast breadcrumbs as the issue.
Any ideas?
Thanks team.
My site – https://www.projectunited.com.au/