I’m running a WordPress site, and out of nowhere, all the images on my site appear broken and seem to be stretching downward. I haven’t made any recent changes to the theme or plugins that I can think of, so I’m not sure what’s causing it.
Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas on what might be causing it or how to fix it?
Appreciate any help!
]]>I’m currently experimenting on the page shown in ‘link I need help with.
I think my code is solid, yet it’s not working… if there is a better way to make this happen, any help is welcome. Alternatively to my coding attempt, how can I simply use WP’s insert image feature to get this done (all icons should be in one row).
]]>This is the image link copied from the image properties
Any help is appreciated to solve this.
]]>I even tried regenrate thumbnails and that did not fix the issue.
All of the broken images are the thumnails that are resized. It would be better if it did not automatically delete those images so that at least if it didnt replace them all in the blog posts the old image would still resolve.
]]>We tried everything in this article and saw no resolution: https://nitropack.io/blog/post/fix-wordpress-media-library-not-loading
]]>I’ve used WP Engine’s Local program to push my local site to the dev environment and noticed that the thumbnail images are still pointing to the local URL. I’ve done a search and replace on the database and cleared WP Engine cache and still shows broken image links that point to my local.
I’ve also attempted to remove the thumbnail and reuse the same thumbnail however it still wants to link to the local URL.
]]><a target="_blank">
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<img src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rootssummit-20&language=en_US&l=li3&o=1&a=1516592913" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
These were apparently fine in the past and have only recently stopped working. I’ve been trying to find any forum posts with similar issues to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.