I receive this error, but I have the Brooklyn Theme Version “The brooklyn theme for WordPress is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection in all versions up to, and including, via deserialization of untrusted input from an unknown parameter.” I′ve contacted the Brooklyn Theme Support and they said the problem was solved. Can you please help me to understand of this is an error or a minace for my website?
Thank you in advance,
]]>I have a website multilingual: ITA (mbaudit.it/) and ENG (mbaudit.it/en/). The theme is Brooklyn (last version).
Polylang shows me the Theme Options variables (example: ut_site_copyright) BUT despite the fact that those Theme Options are translated (inside the Strings Translation area of the backend), the frontend of the ENG version (mbaudit.it/en/) shows me the ITA values of those Theme Options (for example inside the SUBFOOTER copyright area). So Polylang is does not care/does not read the translation strings.
So my question is: is Polylang compatible with Brooklyn or should I manually change something into the theme files in order to make it use the translations made with Polylang?
is this function inside the footer.php file compatible with Polylang or should it be changed somehow?
<?php echo do_shortcode( nl2br( ot_get_option(‘ut_site_copyright’) ) ); ?>
]]>For the most part, this plugin is great. I’m adding a bit of a twist to it, and using it as a “services” type vertical menu. Therefore, I’m trying to eliminate all of the dates in any post. I have the “date visible” option hidden, as well as the “read more”. However, in all three of my announcement boxes, the very end displays this, “Websites October 31st, 2016ryanhoy.” It displays this text twice, one right after the text I entered, then another one line down. “Websites” was the title of my announcement here.
Here’s an example of another:
“FaceBook Marketing
Position your advertisement in front of an audience that matters. Our tailored FaceBook marketing campaigns are launched to drive customers to you. Choose who sees your ad, where they see it, and how often they see it on FaceBook. FaceBook Marketing October 31st, 2016ryanhoy
FaceBook Marketing October 31st, 2016ryanhoy”
My input text ended at “…how often they see it on FaceBook.”
Let me know if you have a resolution to this.
]]>brooklyn,#content,#nav-below,”#content article.post”,”#nav-below .nav-previous a:first”
]]>I have small problem with the language selection widget in the menu :/
On my site www.krkstudio.pl I’ve put language selection widget in two places:
1. In the bottom of the page (from widget settings)
2. In the menu (from menu setings)
In the bottom of the page it works correctly -> redirecting to www.krkstudio.pl and www.krkstudio.pl/en/
But in the menu is redirecting to https://krkstudio.pl/#section-przelacznik-jezyka and https://krkstudio.pl/#section-przelacznik-jezyka2
I do not know what i did wrong?
Is this a problem with my wordpress theme?
]]>Thanks for the awesome plugin and support..It works flawless..
My only problem is with the string translations..
I cant save my string translations for my second language on polylang settings..
When I click save it turns back to english version..I have no other problems on other pages..
Only problem left on static front page. If I can change the string translations settings it s going to be solved.
Can you please help..
(I am on brooklyn theme)
]]>Can anyone help me, I wish to get horizontal menu, instead of the responsive version of vertical for tablet and mobile. There is no framework file, so cannot just strip this out.
Can anyone help. it is sending me nuts.
]]>I’m trying to figure out how to change the font type of the hero-title (“Present your web…”) in the Brooklyn theme. This a site example: https://tinyurl.com/o4ps9fh
Adding this to the CSS doesn’t help:
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=ABeeZee);
#site-title a {
font-family: ‘ABeeZee’;
font-size: 20px;