“In Cash Flow chart, I would love to have a row at the bottom with a field to add my budget month by month, example, in January my total income was: $1,000, so I would like to write $1,500 as my budget, and so on on each month.
In the next row below, I would love to see the difference between my budget and the actual income of each month, so I know I am -30% or maybe +1%.”
I realize this may be a problem that needs to be solved at the bank level, but I’m writing to ask if there is currently a way to either
A: Switch to a monthly billing plan, where all shipping label purchases can be paid for monthly as a lump sum.
Or B: Create a “budget” using the credit card connected to jetpack, and draw from that budget when shipping labels are purchased rather than have jetpack charge the card each individual time a shipping label is purchased.
Thank you,
— I’ve posted this over in jetpack support earlier today where I was directed to try here, hope the double post is ok.
]]>I realize this may be a problem that needs to be solved at the bank level, but I’m writing to ask if there is currently a way to either
A: Switch to a monthly billing plan, where all shipping label purchases can be paid for monthly as a lump sum.
Or B: Create a “budget” with jetpack using the connected credit card and draw from that when shipping labels are purchased rather than have jetpack charge the card each individual time a shipping label is purchased.
Thank you,
]]>Loved it